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L FA`I... ATTACHMENT"C" <br />CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA <br />SOUTH MAIN ST TO LAFAYETTE CONNECTOR AND ROUNDABOUT <br />STAFF HOUR JUSTIFICATION -PROJECT DESIGN DEVELOPMENT <br /> tv o. STAFF HOURS BY CLASSIFICATION Total Sl1BCONSl1LTANl' <br />Work Element Shls. Proj. Manager Senior Eng Civil Lng. Senior Tech. Clerical Hours COST <br />FINAL DESIGN <br /> <br />Final Plan Submittal <br />Title and index Sheet I I 2 3 <br />Legend and Genral Notes Sheet I 1 4 8 13 <br />Typical Cross Sections 6 I 2 24 24 51 <br />Plat Shects 3 2 4 18 24 <br />Maintenance of Traffic Plans (3 phases) 12 6 24 48 RO <br />Plan & Profile Sheets 7 I 8 32 32 73 <br />Approach & Drive Details 1 1 12 13 <br />Intersection Details 3 I 2 12 18 33 <br />Roundabout layout and rading Plans 2 2 8 8 IG 34 <br />Pi Structure ,Water Line, Sanitary Sewer Details 4 1 8 28 28 65 <br />Retaining Wall Sheets 1 2 8 I6 26 <br />Pavement Marking Plans 2 8 16 32 56 <br />Traffic Signing Plans 4 1 2 14 12 29 <br />Traffic Signal Plans I I 6 8 6 21 <br />Erosion Control Plans 8 1 2 IR 24 4S <br />Riprap and Sodding Table I I 4 8 13 <br />Ap oath Table 2 I 2 12 12 27 <br />Ilnderdrain Tables 2 2 16 24 42 <br />Sign Summary Tables and Sign Details 2 8 2 20 30 <br />Road Summary Sheets 1 2 4 16 22 <br />Cross Sections 20 1 G 40 60 107 <br />Drainage Computations 2 2 4 <br />Construction Cost Estimate I 2 4 I S <br />Earthwork Computations 2 8 6 I6 <br />Quantity Computations 2 6 16 16 40 <br />Special Provisions 2 4 8 14 <br />Rule 5 Sutmtission 2 2 6 2 12 <br />UST Removal Corrdination I 2 2 5 <br />Disposition of Final Plan Comments I 2 4 12 19 <br /> <br />SUBTOTA[, IiOURS 84 23 101 326 470 5 925 $0 <br /> <br /> <br />FINAL CONSTRUCTION PLANS, BID DOCUMENTS AND BIDDING <br />Final Plan Tracings Including Cross Sections <br />En ineers Estimate 2 4 12 18 <br />Contract Documents and Bid Forms I 2 16 24 43 <br />Advertisement and Bidding I 8 16 25 <br />RFI and Addendums 6 8 8 24 <br />Bid Tabulations and Recommendation 2 6 R 8 24 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />SLBi'OTAL -Preliminary Design 0 I7 76 180 464 9 746 $53,957 <br />SUBTOTAL -Right-of Way Design 0 26 7R 213 2'_8 18 563 $101,287 <br />SUBTOTAL -Final Design R4 <br />' 101 326 470 5 925 $0 <br />Sl16TOTAL - Construction Documents and Biddin 0 8 26 60 0 40 134 $0 <br /> <br /> <br />TOTAL HOl-RS 74 231 779 1,162 72 2,368 <br />HOURLY RAT ES (2010) 5 16.00 S 160.00 S 115.00 $ 105.00 $ 85.00 <br />COSTS 5 12.'_1 Q(h~ 544,960.00 589,585.00 5122,010.00 56.120.00 <br />TOTAL COST $ 274,885.00 <br />EXPENSES (Com utec Mileage R Misc.) $809.00 <br />Construction Consultation $5.000.00 <br />SUBCOKSULTANTS- $155,244 $155,244 <br /> <br />TOTAL FEF $ 435,938.00 <br />COSTS BY CATEGORY <br /> <br />Environmental Documentation S 165.00 S 320.00 5 230.00 5 $ 170.00 516.342 <br />Survey S R2S.00 5 L280.00 5 230.00 b 34,440.00 $ 170.00 $75.445 <br />Geotcchnical Investigation and Rcpon $ 5 160.00 5 230.00 $ 630.00 $ - $8,187 <br />Plans and Construction Documents S 11,055.00 5 42,880.00 5 88.665.00 5 86.940.00 $ 5.610.00 $235.150 <br />Right-of--Way Engineerine and Legal Descriptions (42 Parcels) 5 165.00 $ 320.00 5 230.0(1 5 $ 170.00 $95,005 <br />Construction Consultation $5,000 <br /> 5 8.210.00 5 44.960.00 5 89.SSS.00 5 122.010.00 $ 6.120.00 <br /> <br />TOTAL AGREEMENT $43s,93a <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Project Enhancement -Roundabout Peer Review $14,000 <br /> <br />TOTAL AGREEMENT (with ENHANCEMENT) $449,938 <br />LansarFisher Assorin(es P.C. <br />Project File No. 9(1/X.95 <br />August 10/0 <br />