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PARC ammittee Meeting Minutes ~~ ~cto~e~ 8, ~O~l <br />Page 2 <br />The Center uvould be 8~,0~ square feet on a ~-acre site The Building cost is estimated <br />to be ~~,~OD,ODD , v~rith the building being paid for through the I~RC~ gift. rF Gibney <br />Hated that thorn v~ill be a ~ million enda~rrnent, Frith I~R~C contributing Z~ million to <br />the enda~ument~ The City~s contribution gill be ~ rr~iilian v~rhich gill core tron~ a loan <br />pool managed by the BDC Then the corporation gas spilt off fram the city. <br />In response to questions from Council Member 1JIlhite, Mr. Gibney stated that monies <br />could be used for vacant homes, ho~rever he noted that substantial rnanies have <br />already been earmarked far that initiative from blank grant funds and IP dollars. <br />The Council ~Ittorney inquired on behalf of Council Member I~upa ghat the timetable is <br />for the transfer of the park properky for this project, noting that she has contacted Mr~ <br />Carleton and Mr. Bodnar rho provided some prelin~~nary inforation for Council <br />Member l~uspa. <br />Mr, ibn~y stated that he u~auld provide that information to the Council. <br />Council Member Pfeifer stressed the need for accessibility to the center for the <br />neighbors, voicing concern about the fact that an overpass is Hat proposed and that she <br />is concerned about their safety <br />Mr. Gibney Hated that there i a preliminary dra~ring of the site in the handout, and that <br />he could relay her concerns <br />Council President Rouse stated that he ~rould prefer that the monies continue to dra~v <br />interest and preferred a later drag dov~n for these funds. <br />Mr. Murphy noted Council President Roue' recor~rnendation. <br />In response to a question from fir. Varner, Ir. Gibney stated that the Salvation ~rn~y <br />~uould manage the ~ million endovwrn~ent. Dr. Varner stated that he agrees pith <br />President Rouse that the n~anie should earn as much interest as passible, <br />Council Member l~irit stated that it vas his understanding that the goo needed three <br />{} million dollars in order to address the accreditation concerns. <br />Mr~ t. Clair Hated that the monies vuould be used for some of the accreditation items <br />and structural needs. He added that discussions are ongoing about vuhioh animals <br />~rauld be saved, Hating that the regulations require a "farniiy of five {~} chimps", The <br />one million dollars ~uould address the basin needs. <br />In response to a question fram Council Member deter, Mr. fit. Clair stated that the one <br />million dollars vuould be appropriated this year far the zoo and that additional financial <br />concerns ~rauld be addressed later. <br />