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CITY OF SOUTH BEND <br />STATEMENT OF ACTMTIES <br />For The Year Ended December 31, 2006 <br />W <br /> Program Revenues Net (Expense) Revenue and Changes in Net Assets <br /> Operating Capital Primary Govemment <br /> Charges for Grants and Grants and Governmental Business-Type <br />Functions/Programs Expenses Services Contributions Contributions Activities Activities Total <br />Primary government: <br />- <br />Governmental activities: <br />Generalgovernment $ 17,194,920 $ 6,883,104 $ 147,864 $ 461,944 $ (9,702,006) $ - $ (9,702,008) <br />Public safety 56,600,175 5,132,285 223,402 - (51,244,486) - (51,244,488) <br />Highways and streets 21,813,189 44,250 7,104,545 12,976,476 (1,687,918) - (1,687,918) <br />Economic development 18,813,636 562,807 4,315,608 - (73,935,221) - (13,935,221) <br />HeaRhandwelfare 114,131 - - - (1 t4, 131) - (114,t31) <br />Culture and recreation 14,994,300 4,940,629 661,044 354,943 (9,037,684) - (9,037,684) <br />Interest on long-term debt 5,841,032 - - (5,841,032) (5,841 032) <br />Total governmental activities 135,371,383 17,563,075 12,452,463 13,793,363 (91,562,462) (91,562,482) <br />Business-type activities: <br />Water 11,916,504 14,757,819 - 1,091,135 - 3,932,450 3,932,450 <br />Wastewater 16,972,401 18,725,903 - - - 1,753,502 1,753,502 <br />Civic Center 3,355,531 3,113,264 - 322,726 - 80,459 80,459 <br />Building department 1,102,164 1,039,405 - - - (62,759) (62,759) <br />Parking 1,261,942 799,350 - - - (462,592) (462,592) <br />Solid waste 4,187,706 4,177,897 - - - (9,809) (9,809) <br />Golf course 1,811,757 1,565,649 (246,108) (246,108) <br />Total business-type activities 40,608,005 44,179,287 - 1,413,861 - 4,985,143 4,985,143 <br />Total primary government $ 175,979,388 $ 61,742,362 $ 12,452,463 $ 15,207,224 (91,562,482) 4,985,143 (86,577,339) <br /> General revenues: <br /> Property taxes 68,256,602 - 68,256,602 <br /> County option income tax 6,410,405 - 6,410,405 <br /> Economic development income tax 4,013,475 - 4,013,475 <br /> Professional sports development tax 336,281 - 336,281 <br /> Community revitalization enhancement district tax 1,000,000 - 1,000,000 <br /> Grants and contributions not rsstdcted to specific programs 5,063,541 - 5,063,541 <br /> Unrestricted investment earnings 4,762,484 906,056 5,668,540 <br /> Other 3,520,136 - 3,520,136 <br /> Transfers 44,200 (44,200) <br /> Total general revenues and transfers 83,407,126 861,856 94,268,982 <br /> Change in net assets 1,844,644 5,846,999 7,691,643 <br /> Net assets -beginning 236,790,611 121,528,244 358,318,855 <br /> Net assets-ending $ 238,635,255 $ 127,375,243 $ 366,010,498 <br />The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. <br />