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CITY OF SOUTH BEND <br />STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS <br />December 31, 2006 <br />(Continued) <br />W <br />W <br />Liabilities <br />Accounts payable <br />Accrued payroll payable <br />Unearned revenue <br />Contracts payable <br />Taxes payable <br />Customer deposits <br />Accrued interest payable <br />Estimate of unfiled claims <br />Other current payables <br />Payable from restricted assets: <br />Accounts payable <br />Contrects payable <br />Customer deposits <br />Accrued interest payable <br />Noncurcent liabilities: <br />Due within one year: <br />Mortgage bonds payable <br />Compensated absences <br />Revenue bonds payable <br />Capital lease obligations <br />Notes and loans payable <br />Due in more than ane year: <br />Mortgage bonds payable (net of discounts or premiums) <br />Compensated absences <br />Revenue bonds payable (net of discounts or premiums) <br />Capital lease obligations <br />Notes and loans payable <br />Unamortized gain on salelleaseback <br />Net pension obligation <br />Total liabilities <br />Primary Government <br />Governmental Business-Type <br />Activities Activities Total <br />4,382,902 817,768 5,194,670 <br />1,031,759 206,121 1,237,880 <br />1,200,000 221,875 1,421,875 <br />2,887,509 - 2,867,509 <br />12,351 47,628 59,978 <br />1,081,705 151,543 1,233,248 <br />837,184 6,473 843,657 <br />649,147 - 649,147 <br />8,437 - 8,437 <br />- 412,797 412,797 <br />- 1,400,731 1,400,731 <br />- 1,353,918 1,353,918 <br />1,353,375 205,470 1,558,845 <br />1,379,285 45,510 1,424,795 <br />3,412,851 538,080 3,950,931 <br />3,875,000 1,680,000 5,555,000 <br />845,153 446,073 1,291,226 <br />1,502,268 1,301,500 2,803,766 <br />26,405,098 914,883 27,319,981 <br />1,322,325 - 1,322,325 <br />77,611,927 42,471,066 120,082,993 <br />2,688,034 1,077,521 3,765,555 <br />10,256,284 17,956,933 28,213,217 <br />- 26,426 26,426 <br />63.408.114 - 63.408,114 <br />206,150,708 71,276,316 277,427,024 <br />Net Assets <br />Invested in capital assets, net of related debt <br />Restricted for: <br />Debt service <br />Capital outlay <br />Unrestricted <br />206,509,577 97,670,533 306,180,110 <br />5,225,642 6,177,849 11,403,491 <br />- 16,358,009 16,358,009 <br />24,900,036 7,168,852 32,068,888 <br />Total net assets <br />$ 236,635,255 $ 127,375,243 $ 366,010,498 <br />The notes to the financial statements are an integrel part of this statement. <br />