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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting -February 5, 2010 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (CONT.) <br />A. Tax Abatement <br />(1) continued... <br />$1,795,150. Those figures include the <br />assumed abatement. <br />Patterson estimates the project will create <br />fifty new permanent, full-time positions with <br />an annual payroll of $1,040,000. The project <br />will also maintain sixty permanent, full-time <br />positions with a total annual payroll of <br />$1,620,000. <br />Patterson Logistics has not had any previous <br />abatements. The property is properly zoned <br />for the proposed use. The property is in the <br />Airport Economic Development Area; <br />therefore, the Redevelopment Commission <br />must approve any abatement before it is <br />considered by the Common Council. The <br />project qualifies for up to an eight-year real <br />property tax deduction under the tax <br />abatement ordinance. <br />Mr. Lea noted that Patterson companies has <br />been distributing in the South Bend area <br />since 1993. They currently have sixty <br />employees, supplying only dental products. <br />They will be consolidating some of their <br />other operations at this location. <br />Mr. Varner asked what considerations made <br />Patterson want to consolidate their operations <br />in South Bend. Mr. Lea replied that the <br />availability of this existing building was a <br />major factor, as well as the success of the <br />current operation in South Bend, and good <br />relationships with the existing employees <br />here. <br />