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the approval of the Owner and in accordance with the Annual Plan and Budget. <br />Golf Course employees, including those working at the Golf Course under this <br />Agreement, shall be employees of the Manager, or the employees of leasing <br />company utilized by Manager, and shall not be deemed or understood to be <br />employees of the Owner, the South Bend Redevelopment Authority, the City of <br />South Bend, or the St. Joseph County Airport Authority. <br />b. Manager shall be responsible for compliance with all laws, regulations, tax <br />requirements relative to payroll and employment, with all such expenses to be <br />paid out of the Operating Account maintained by the Manager. <br />3.10 Corporate Supervision. To insure adequate supervision of on-site <br />personnel employed by Manager, and to insure effective communications between <br />Manager and Owner at the corporate level, Manager shall provide, at a minimum level, <br />the following level of support and participation by corporate supervisory personnel: <br />a. Periodic inspection visits, not fewer than one (1) per month during the Golf <br />Season, including meeting with the on-site management team for purposes of <br />reviewing and evaluating conditions and performance at the Golf Course, by a <br />qualified corporate employee of Manager. <br />b. If requested by Owner, monthly management visits, followed up by a written <br />report to Owner and Joint Committee, shall be conducted by Manager's principal <br />or by Manager's Director of Operations assigned to the Golf Course. Each <br />monthly visit shall include a management review meeting with Owner. <br />c. Manager's agronomist or senior maintenance consultant shall visit and inspect the <br />facility not fewer than three (3) times annually. <br />d. Semi-annually, or more frequently as determined necessary by Owner and/or <br />Joint Committee, management review and planning meetings, for the purpose of <br />discussing quarterly revisions and updates to the Annual Plan and Budget, and <br />other matters, shall be held at the Golf Course, and shall be attended by a <br />Manager's officer, and by Manager's Director of Operations assigned to the Golf <br />Course, in addition to any other on-site personnel invited to participate. <br />e. The foregoing schedule of meetings, visits and inspections notwithstanding, <br />Manager shall provide additional qualified corporate personnel and corporate <br />supervision on an "as-needed" basis to support the successful operation of the <br />Golf Course. There shall be no additional fee to Owner for providing this service, <br />although expenses are reimbursable as provided herein. <br />SECTION 4 <br />STAFFING <br />-7- <br />