<br /> Those from the public wishing to speak in favor of this bill:
<br /> David Faulkner, 835 Park Avenue, South Bend, IN, stated that he is in favor of the bill. Mr.
<br /> Faulkner explained that his side porch that abuts the alley is constantly getting dirty from alley
<br /> traffic. He stated, I don't think prior owners ever used it, because it's all overgrown. The floor
<br /> was sunken in. We've built it all back up. Mr. Faulkner explained that people drive very quickly
<br /> through the alley. He stated, We need to do something to get this taken care of so that it can get
<br /> cleaned up. The sooner we block that off, the sooner we can make that look beautiful back there.
<br /> Those from the public wishing to speak in opposition to this bill:
<br /> Marty Wolfson, 809 Park Avenue, South Bend, IN, stated that he is the man that Ms. Gindele
<br /> referenced as using the alley regularly. Mr. Wolfson explained that due to the placement of his
<br /> garage and the shed that his neighbor has constructed, he can only back out of his garage and go
<br /> north. As a result,he uses the alley in question to avoid going down the entire length of the
<br /> north/south alley. He stated, It's the way I go regularly and I would appreciate it if it would stay
<br /> open as a public right-of-way.
<br /> Ms. Gindele returned to the podium for a rebuttal. She took the opportunity to ask
<br /> Councilmember Voorde if in the case of the alley being physically closed off the alley needed to
<br /> be closed at both points.
<br /> Councilmember Voorde responded that he was not sure as he had just learned of the requirement
<br /> that day. He stated, though, It would seem to be that that would be the case.
<br /> Ms. Gindele stated, Thank you for answering that. Addressing Mr. Wolfson's statement, Ms.
<br /> Gindele stated that she had previously had a cordial discussion with Mr. Wolfson regarding the
<br /> alley. She clarified that she was not worried about his activity in the alley, going on to state,
<br /> though, that she has seen other people run into trees and houses while driving through it. She
<br /> stated, I would just like not to worry about somebody else coming through that alley.
<br /> Councilmember Scott stated, The main thing here is that you have the two (2) neighbors abutting
<br /> the alley, both in agreement with what they would like to see done with this. Councilmember
<br /> Scott referenced the alleys that have been shut down on Forest Avenue. Addressing Mr.
<br /> Wolfson, he stated, I understand what you're saying. The thing about it is, what we are talking
<br /> about is an inconvenience of, really, seconds going from where that alley is all the way to
<br /> Riverside. I think, when it comes down to it, safety and the pedestrian should outweigh the
<br /> automobile. Councilmember Scott stated that he was in favor of the bill.
<br /> Councilmember Dr. Varner clarified that when the alley is closed off, it becomes private
<br /> property. In that way, blocking off the alley maintains the privacy of that property.
<br /> Councilmember Broden stated, I'm sympathetic to your worry and your preference, but I am also
<br /> really want to keep this as convenient as possible for the neighborhood. A bit of my concern is
<br /> the burden on other people at either end of this alleyway, if we close this off. Councilmember
<br /> Broden explained that this petition to vacate an alley is the second she has seen in a month or
<br /> month-and-a-half, and she expressed worry about what could be done in the future if more
<br /> people petition for alley vacations. She stated, The standards, to me, should not be that the two
<br /> (2) adjacent property owners are in agreement on this, but should be that it works for the larger
<br /> block.
<br /> Councilmember Williams-Preston stated that she had concerns with closing the alley, asking, By
<br /> closing this, what other problems might we actually create that we have not necessarily
<br /> considered? We can imagine many different things.
<br /> Councilmember Scott stated that nothing was brought up regarding this alley on the community
<br /> Park Avenue Neighborhood listserv.
<br /> Councilmember Williams-Preston referenced the fact that certain people that may be affected by
<br /> this decision may not have been notified of this bill,pointing out that Ms. Gindele mentioned a
<br /> neighbor who lived just far enough away to not receive notification.
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