<br /> Otherwise, my immediate abutter, they actually have a garage that is on the north/south alley,
<br /> and they were quite in favor of closing this also. The extension to the west that follows from my
<br /> segment of the alley is overgrown and only walkers can go through there, so that has been
<br /> effectively closed off.
<br /> Councilmember Tim Scott asked, You guys are planning on landscaping, but maybe a walking
<br /> path between...?
<br /> Ms. Gindele responded, That was our idea, yes.
<br /> Councilmember Scott asked, Is your trash pickup in the alley still, or is it out front?
<br /> Ms. Gindele responded, Both of ours are in the alley.
<br /> Councilmember Scott asked, And they only use the long length of the alley? They don't use the
<br /> side alleys at all, do they?
<br /> Ms. Gindele responded, No, no. The City never uses the side alleys.
<br /> Councilmember John Voorde asked, The abutting property owner to the north has a garage that
<br /> opens to what would be the vacated part of the alley—I assume that you have met with that
<br /> property owner and you've reached some accommodation regarding how he would be able to
<br /> maintain access?
<br /> Ms. Gindele responded, Yes, he's actually the other person petitioning with me. Originally, when
<br /> filling out the forms, I said, "Do you mean precise abutters, or people including Dave, who
<br /> would be abutting if you gave permission?" I was told to take his name off, but yes, he also
<br /> would like to have the alley closed with an exit onto the long north/south alley. He is not
<br /> concerned with coming east or west on that.
<br /> Councilmember Voorde stated, Typically, when alleys are vacated—in this case, a standard
<br /> fourteen (14) foot alley, seven(7) feet of that line going to each property owner—there is also a
<br /> requirement, I am told, to actually close off a vacated alley;to physically close it off somehow.
<br /> So, that will be a requirement. I have always admired the Park Avenue Neighborhood
<br /> Association for their solidarity and their cohesiveness and their hard work to keep that all
<br /> together. It would seem to be appropriate to ask the Association to encourage homeowners who
<br /> live on alleys to try to cut back the overgrowth that may spill into the public right-of-way. A lot
<br /> of us went over there earlier today, and part of the visual that forces people to take a path a little
<br /> bit to the south is the fact that two (2),three (3) feet of overgrowth comes from the north side. If
<br /> all the property owners were responsible enough to take care of the overgrowth that may be
<br /> coming from their property, I think it would be better all the way around for everybody there.
<br /> Ms. Gindele responded, Yes, I agree. Part of the plan is, in fact,to keep that more trim and to
<br /> take care of those things. I don't know if this is an excuse or not, but when you have a sense that
<br /> there will actually be beauty that follows, you have more of an investment in keeping up with
<br /> that, and it's hard to keep the north/south alley—it's hard to make sure the trash is picked up, and
<br /> things like that, and I think it would be great if we spruced it all up.
<br /> Councilmember Oliver Davis asked whether or not Ms. Gindele's neighbors submitted letters to
<br /> share their intent of support for this bill.
<br /> I
<br /> Ms. Gindele responded, I was not made aware that I should get any formal statement from
<br /> anybody.
<br /> Councilmember Davis responded, It just helps clarify for me,personally, when I know that there
<br /> is another person that lives nearby that obviously uses it. So, when you have different neighbor
<br /> situations that happen like that, it helps.
<br /> Ms. Gindele responded, I agree, absolutely. And, of course, I have no documentation for that.
<br /> This being the time heretofore set for the Public Hearing on the above bill, proponents and
<br /> opponents were given an opportunity to be heard.
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