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invest in housing maintenance by investigation and that landlords obligations <br /> to the public and the property should be very stringently enforced. <br /> The Chairman thanked Mr. Hickey, Mrs. Erickson and :sir. Winston for their reports. <br /> He then asked for discussion or questions which anyone may like to contribute. <br /> Mrs. Janet Allen explained that it had been one of her hopes to instigate in various <br /> voluntary fix-up, clean-up, paint-up campaigns with the property owners rather than <br /> looking into the more costly programs. <br /> It was noted that Whitcomb & Keller Particularly Mr. Richard Hodson should be <br /> contacted and information sought on the monies available from various life insurance <br /> companies for assistance in these areas. <br /> Discussion was held on Mr. Winston's report as to the possibility and aLvisability of <br /> mandatory inspections of housing units once they are vacant before they can be <br /> rerented or resold and that a. licensing or inspection fee be established to defray <br /> part of the cost of such an inspection program. <br /> The Secretary was asked to explain the various components of the Workable Program <br /> which is divided into seven parts with the parts of major concern to this committee <br /> being the Declaration of Policy to be recommended to the Mayor and Council and the <br /> Citizens Participation Section. The committee reviewed these two sections and <br /> requested that some minor changes be made. It was moved, seconded and unanimously <br /> voted that the Chairman be directed to submit the Workable Program to the Mayor and <br /> Common Council with a recommendation for favorable passage. <br /> It was also moved, seconded and voted unanimously that the Chairman be directed to <br /> recommend to the Mayor and Council that the BOCA Minimum Housing Code be adopted in <br /> the place of the current South Bend Minimum Housing Code. <br /> It was moved, seconded and voted unanimously that the Chairman be directed to recommend <br /> to the Mayor and Council that a housing bureau be established as a part of a <br /> governmental operation. <br /> The Chairman requested that the next meeting be held in the month of July, the <br /> date to be agreed upon. The meeting was then adjourned. <br /> -5- <br />