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It was the concensus of the committee that definite consideration should be <br /> given to entering into such a program with federal assistance and that area <br /> designated as Number 1 in the Hill Street area should be the first target area. <br /> However, before making a recommendation to this effect, the subcommittee requested <br /> that they be given an opportunity to meet with people from the area and various <br /> civic organizations and involve the people from the area to determine what the <br /> attitudes of the people of the area would be toward entering into such a program. <br /> Therefore, the recommendations of this committee to the Chairman are: <br /> 1. That the Chairman and Secretary be directed to write a letter to the <br /> Mayor and Common Council recommending the adoption of the BOCA Minimum <br /> Housing Code. <br /> 2. That the subcommittee be directed to make further study of federally <br /> assisted code compliance programs with particular emphasis on contact <br /> with the residents in the area affected. <br /> The Chairman then called upon :Martha Erickson, chairman of the subcommittee <br /> looking into means to improve the administration of minimum housing standards <br /> and whether or not and how relocation problems can be met under a Code Compliance <br /> Program. <br /> 1rs. Erickson defined the problem; according to the Notre Dame report and Survey, <br /> there will be a need for over 2000 living units in the next two years. There is <br /> no central clearance office to process and help people in need of these units. <br /> Therefore the recommendations of her committee to the Chairman were: <br /> 1. That the Chairman and Secretary be directed to send a letter to the <br /> Mayor and Common Council recommending the establishment of a housing <br /> bureau (or some other or better name) for the following purposes: <br /> a. Its purpose would be to coordinate housing data, cooperate with all <br /> community agencies, businesses, or individuals that have housing <br /> construction, sales, leasing, or rentals, (either private or public,) <br /> to benefit low income families by helping them find housing. <br /> b. One suggestion on mode of operation was that there could be a Code-A- <br /> Phone system such as in operation in St. Paul, "_innesota. ih-- <br /> telephone recording device would accept all calls and record information <br /> whether it be someone needing housing or someone offering some type <br /> of housing. At the end of a given time all information could be <br /> correlated by a worker bringing together supply and demand. <br /> c. The program could be implemented by running a pilot program with <br /> volunteers helping the salary worker. The budget would also include a <br /> telephone recording device, advertising, printing, and the salary of the <br /> worker. <br /> d. The Bureau should be under the control of an advisory board which would <br /> in turn report to the Mayor's office or his assistant. Or could be a <br /> subcommittee of United Community Services. <br /> e. The Committee or Bureau could branch out and develop an education division <br /> to deal with the problem of proper maintenance of housing. This could <br /> be a volunteer program utilizing people from Notre Dame, Indiana Vocational <br /> Training College and church groups. <br /> f. Social Workers from United Community Services and the Welfare Department <br /> -2- <br />