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I <br /> i <br /> J. Summarize significant happenings that have taken place since the last submission in the extent of <br /> citizen support and participation in the community improvement effort including significant activi- <br /> ties of business, professional and civic groups and of the press, radio and television. Indicate new <br /> goals for the coming year. <br /> The Downtown Council of the Chamber of Commerce has been acting as the ci- <br /> tizens liaison between the Recevelopment Department and the business com- <br /> munity., Significant assistance has been rendered by this council in the <br /> sponsoring of various civic meetings to acquaint the community with Rede- <br /> velopment, Model Cities , Code Enforcement and other programs. Press and TV <br /> specials have been initiated in order to bring the story of the Redevelop- <br /> ment Projects and realted activities to the public . Through this concen- <br /> trated effort could be credited the relative success in the passage of the <br /> Fair Housing Ordinance and the strong backing from the community and the <br /> Chamber of Commerce as to the proposed Downtown Urban Renewal Project and <br /> the possible initiating of one or more federally assisted code enforcement <br /> projects . <br /> The civic center complex is being pressed to fruition; the City-County Bui]d- <br /> ing is under construction; the Inner-Belt Thoroughfare System is under a <br /> stepped up construction program; one new fire station has been constructed <br /> and many other community projects are being pressed. The LaSalle Park Ci- <br /> tizens Council through its reorientation program has been lending strong <br /> support to the urban renewal program in the LaSalle Park Project. <br /> _ I <br /> The significant achievements in the community in which all of these played <br /> an important part are as follows : <br /> 1. Construction of new City-County complex as a part of the Downtown . <br /> Urban Renewal Project. ',. <br /> 2. The establishment of a civic center planning committee to study <br /> the needs for methods of financing the proposed civic center to <br /> be incorporated within the Downtown Urban Renewal Project. <br /> 3 . The completion of a major segment of the inner-Belt Thoroughfare <br /> System. <br /> 4. The Application by the Greater South Bend Housing Corporation for <br /> a 150 unit 221 (d) (3) housing project with rent supplement. The <br /> rent supplement has been approved by DHUD and the 221 (d) (3) ap- <br /> plication is now nearing commitment stage in the FHA office. <br /> 5. The winning of the Look Magazine award for the year 1968 of the <br /> "All America City" designation. l •, <br /> 6. The submission of an application for Model Cities planning 'grant �. <br /> in the second round of application with full community support <br /> and backing of the Common Council. <br /> 7. Reorganization and reorientation of the Mayo r's Advisory Committee. <br /> I , <br /> GOALS for the next year: <br /> 1. Completion of the planning studies and financing possibilities for <br /> the proposed civic center. <br /> CONTINUEf➢ � <br /> Supplementary Material Required. Submit one copy of the work program of the citizens advisory com- <br /> mittee and of committee reports and recommendations made to the chief excutive of the community. <br /> ] 26 !. <br />