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• H. 1. List any changes in the membership of the subcommittee of the citizens advisory committee or <br /> jspecial committee on minority group housing since the last submission and, for any new mem- <br /> bers, show their business, professional, civic and other affiliations. Identify those new members <br /> who represent the principal minority groups and organizations. (If not shown in previous sub- <br /> missions, list all members and their affiliations). <br /> The Mayor's Advisory Committee has been restructured and after their re- <br /> port on the study of the South Bend Minimum Housing Code, they shall take <br /> up a review of the Minority Housing Report by late summer and into the <br /> fall to report to the Mayor of the progres§` ih the year since the report <br /> was prepared. This committee is essentially comprised of a consolidation <br /> from various other committees of the past. Their affiliations are re- <br /> flected on Page 23. <br /> 2. Now will recommendations of the subcommittee or special committee on minority group hous- <br /> ing be communicated to and acted upon by the citizens advisory committee? <br /> Formal, written reports of the SubCommittee on Minority Group Housing <br /> Problems will be presented to the Mayor's Advisory Committee . The par- <br /> ticipation of several Advisory Committee members on the SubCommittee <br /> will give good liaison between the two groups . <br /> I. Describe briefly citizen participation programs carried out or planned for neighborhoods or areas <br /> to be directly affected by clearance, systematic code compliance, conservation, etc. <br /> The LaSalle Park Citizens Council meets regularly, often inviting the De- <br /> partment of Redevelopment for participation. With the aid and assistance of <br /> the Urban League, the LaSalle Park Citizens Council has been reorganized, <br /> restructured and reorientated to a more positive action type organization <br /> and is serving as the pilot organization for the establishment of block or- <br /> ganizations with Flock captains . Other neighborhood organizations includ- <br /> ing the Ohio-Keasey Civic improvement Association is and has been meeting <br /> with the Department of Redevelopment. Out of these meetings has come the <br /> pilot or experimental self help civic improvement in the Ohio-Keasey area <br /> centering on the paint-up, clean-up, fix-up approach. 1t covers a six block <br /> area and through the efforts of the Mayor and Department of Redevelopment <br /> received the cooperation ofmunicipal departments for unscheduled .trash and _ <br /> garbage pick-ups, minor street repairs and street cleaning activities. <br /> 25 <br />