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i <br /> OBJECTIVE: The recog tion of need by the community and the development of the means for meet- <br /> i)ig the costs of carrying out an effective program foi• the elimination and prevention of slums and <br /> blight. <br /> A. Complete the following table. If accounts and budgets are not set up on this basis, reasonably ac- <br /> curate estimates may be used. Estimate expenditures this year on a full 12-month basis through <br /> the end of,the community's fiscal year. <br /> AMOUNT EXPENDED OR BUDGETED <br /> SOURCE OF FUNDS <br /> ACTIVITY FISCAL YEAR FISCAL YEAR (FEES, rBONDS. <br /> F'UA'li5, I;ONUS, <br /> ENDING ENDING CODE COMPLIANCE 110,000 125,000 General Fund <br /> DEVELOPMENT OR REVISION OF COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 20,000 20,000 General Fund <br /> i <br /> ZONING ADMINISTRATION 4,000 4,000 General Fund <br /> r <br /> SUBDIVISION CONTROL ADMINISTRATION 5,000 5 ,000 General Fund <br /> I _ <br /> NEIGHBORHOOD ANALYSES 5 ,000 5,000 General Fund <br /> I <br /> i CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 6,000 <br /> 6,000i General Fund <br /> j <br /> B. List any contributions or grants of money or services within the past year to the community, by <br /> private sources or other public sources, for the kinds of activity indicated in A. above. <br /> ACTIVITY I CONTRIBUTED BY AMOUNT OR ESTIMATED <br /> VALUE OF SERVICES <br /> Housing Study IUerb n Renewal Depart- ! $6,000 <br /> C. Describe any significant changes since the last submission in the community's ability or willingness <br /> to giN"e financial support to activities in any of the categories identified in Paragraph A. If the <br /> amount actually expended last year for any category was substantially less than that estimated <br /> in the last submission, indicate the reason therefor. <br /> There has been no substantial changes since the last submission. <br /> 1 <br /> i <br /> 17 <br /> i - <br />