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E. RECREATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES <br />The Summer Youth Recreation Program offers a minimum of approximately <br />3,000 opportunities of participation for disadvantaged youngsters. <br />However, the city anticipates that at least 15,000 persons will benefit <br />from the program. <br />F. RESULTS AND BENEFITS <br />The Summer Youth Recreation Program will benefit the entire community <br />by allowing the expansion of recreation services for disadvantaged <br />youngsters who are too young to secure employment. The expansion of <br />leisure time activities will permit the city to address the long <br />recognized need of comprehensive summertime recreational alternatives <br />for disadvantaged youngsters of our community. <br />G. PROGRAM COORDINATION <br />The Department of Human Resources, the grantee's designated administrative <br />agent, will coordinate the Summer Youth Recreation program with each <br />agency listed below: <br />1. A.C.T.I.O.N., Inc. <br />2. Department of Public Recreation <br />3. Bureau of Employment and Training <br />4. Bureau of Planning, Grants and Evaluation <br />5. Youth Services Bureau <br />6. Hansel Neighborhood Service Center <br />7. YMCA <br />The Department maintains on -going contact with these agencies in order <br />to relate the city's delivery of social services to the activities of <br />these agencies. The involvement of listed agencies in the program will <br />insure smooth program coordination. <br />H. CLIENT SELECTION <br />The responsibility of client selection for the Summer Youth Recreation <br />Program will be delegated to each execution agency. Each agency will <br />be required to assure the city that it has developed an adequate <br />screening system to insure that Summer Youth Recreation Projects reach <br />low- income persons. <br />Additionally, ACTION, Inc. and the Bureau of Employment and Training <br />will utilize their outreach capacities to recruit clients for all <br />activities. <br />The Department of human Resources will closely monitor delegate agency <br />performance in the selection process. Should problems develop, the <br />city will immediately mandate corrective actions. <br />