recommended it to the Council favorably. We anticipate closing on the bond issue before the end
<br />of the year.
<br />Committeemember Oliver Davis asked what the projected amount of savings was.
<br />Mr. Faccenda responded that gross savings would be an anticipated $250,000.
<br />Committeemember Davis asked what that would do for the City, to which Mr. Murphy
<br />responded that that would be money the City no longer had to pay. Committeemember Davis
<br />asked for more details.
<br />John Julien, Umbaugh & Associates, 112 Ironworks Ave, Mishawaka, IN, continued the
<br />presentation. He stated, The purpose of this is to do a recap of the financial aspects of the
<br />refunding. The first schedule gives details on the two (2) bonds that Phil mentioned that are
<br />going to be refunded. There's about $3,800,000 of debt that pays off with interest rates that range
<br />from two- point -nine percent (2.9 %) to around four- and -a -half percent (4.5 %). Those bonds pay
<br />off in probably the next ten (10) years, with final payment in January of 2027. With those
<br />interest rates, we see an opportunity for the water utility to reduce total interest cost and generate
<br />some savings. The second schedule is a recap of the budget for the project to get the refunding
<br />completed. We anticipate selling bonds here, and the week after Thanksgiving, with the principal
<br />amount of around $355,000. That may move a little bit, based upon how the market reacts with
<br />the bidding —I don't want to get too far in the weeds —but it won't go up. It may come down, if
<br />the winning bidder is bidding a premium, which means we'll pay more than a dollar for every
<br />dollar of bond. With that par amount of $3,300,000, with today's market, we've updated the
<br />analysis. We estimate that the yields on those bonds are going to be from around one- point - three-
<br />five percent (1.35 %) in the early years up to just under three percent (3 %) in the latter years. An
<br />average coupon would be about two - and -a -half percent (2.5 %). With that sort of result, we've
<br />had payments on these bonds of just under $3,800,000. As Phil mentioned, we're going to keep
<br />the payment schedule the same, we're not extending the payments, we're not shortening them
<br />up. So, they will be paid off in a little over ten (10) years. At the very first payment that we're
<br />showing there, there's a January one in 2027, where we're saving around $466,000 —don't get
<br />too excited about that. All that really is is a payment that we're going to sell and close by mid -
<br />December. Bond people don't like to get paid -off within a couple of weeks, so we're basically
<br />taking that payment and eliminating it, but you've already set aside that payment, so you're
<br />going to see down below that I'm going to net that out. When we get into the real heart of things,
<br />we're going to be saving about $40,000 to $45,000 a year as a result of this. If you add all the
<br />savings up, we're almost $900,000, but, again, some of that is false savings because we're
<br />eliminating that first payment and we're applying cash. Really, we're at a savings of about
<br />$250,000 to $260,000 of net. The present value of that in today's dollars are a little over
<br />$200,000. On a percentage basis —and we're looking at about six (6 %) or seven percent (7 %) of
<br />the par amount of the bonds we're refunding— general threshold is, if you can get two percent
<br />(2 %) or above, it's worth pursuing. We're definitely in the right neighborhood, in terms of taking
<br />advantage of this opportunity. We're in the midst of evaluating the financial strength of the water
<br />utility and we need to improve the financial position, primarily, to help with capital
<br />improvements. That $45,000 that's freed up from this refunding are dollars that will be available
<br />to help fund that $4,000,000 -plus annual capital improvement thing. So, the ordinance that is
<br />under consideration this evening is the legal step to put us in position to move forward with the
<br />refunding. The plan today is to sell probably around the 30th, right after Thanksgiving. If you've
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