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rates, payable on such dates and containing such optional <br />and mandatory redemption features and prices as are requested <br />by the Company and the purchasers of the Series 1980 Bonds, <br />and will deliver the Series 1980 Bonds to the purchasers <br />thereof and cooperate to its fullest extent in consummating <br />the transaction. <br />3. That, subject to the requirements and provisions of <br />the Act, the Common Council of the Issuer will adopt the <br />legislation necessary to authorize the issuance of the <br />Series 1980 Bonds, and the execution of such Financing <br />Agreement on behalf of the Issuer. <br />4. In order to induce the Issuer to execute and <br />deliver this Agreement and ultimately to issue the Series <br />1980 Bonds, the Company hereby agrees to defend, indemnify <br />and hold the Issuer and anv and all officials thereof harmless <br />against any and all loss, cost, expense, claims or actions <br />arising out of or connected with the extension of this <br />r Agreement and the preparation of the proceedings for, and <br />the issuance, sale or delivery of, the Series 1980 Bonds. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Issuer, pursuant to a resolution <br />adopted on February , 1980, has caused this Agreement <br />to be executed by the Mayor, and the Company has caused this <br />Agreement to be executed by a Vice President as of the day <br />and year .first above written. <br />Attest: <br />City Cler <br />South Rend Forae, Inc. <br />By <br />title <br />CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA <br />By <br />Mayor <br />