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the Issuer will enter into an acreement (the "Financing <br />Agreement ").with respect to the Facility and the financing <br />therefor with the Company. The Financing Agreement shall be <br />in the form of a supplemental loan agreement whereby the <br />Issuer will make a loan to provide funds to finance such <br />additional acquisition, construction and installation. The <br />Financing Agreement shall contain such terms and conditions <br />as provided or permitted under the Act and desired by the <br />purchasers of the Series 1980 Bonds; provided, however, that <br />the Financing Agreement shall require payments sufficient to <br />pay the principal of and premium, if any, and interest on <br />the Series 1980 Bonds. In order to secure the payment of <br />the principal of and premium, if anv, and interest on the <br />Series 1980 Bonds, the parties hereto agree that the Facility <br />will be subject to a mortgage in favor of the holders of the <br />Series 1980 Bonds with such terms and conditions as may be <br />provided or permitted under. the Act. Upon request of the <br />purchasers of the Series 1980 Ponds, TBS Industries, Inc., <br />the parent of the Company, shall give the holders of the <br />Series 1980 Bands a guaranty of the full and prompt payment <br />of the principal of and premium, if anv, and interest on the <br />Series 1980 Bonds. The Issuer shall not have any financial <br />responsibility with respect to the Series 1980 Bonds or the <br />Facility except from the revenues and receipts derived by <br />the Issuer with respect to the Series 1980 Fonds, the Financing <br />Agreement and the Facility. -he parties hereto understand <br />and agree that the Company will utilize the Facility to <br />further the purposes of the Act. <br />2. Upon receipt of a request from the Company, the <br />Issuer will promptly issue the Series 1980 Bonds, in an <br />amount not exceeding Three Million Dollars ($3,000,000) and <br />maturing at such times, bearing interest at such rate or <br />