Poo -
<br />Quotation was submitted by Mr. John Switzer
<br />Final Design and Graphic Development $ 6,321.00
<br />Graphic Production/Installation $15,192.00
<br />Exhibit Production/Installation $39,476.00
<br />Pickup/Delivery of RV $ 1,450.00
<br />TOTAL BID $62,439.00
<br />MARCH 29, 1999
<br />Upon a motion made by Ms. Roemer, seconded by Mr. Caldwell and carried, the above Quotation
<br />was referred to the College Football Hall of Fame for review and recommendation.
<br />PROGRAM - PROJECT NO. 99-02
<br />Mr. Carl P. Littrell, City Engineer, advised the Board that on March 22,1999, bids were received and
<br />opened for the above referred to project. After reviewing those bids, Mr. Littrell recommends that
<br />the Board award the bids as follows:
<br />Zone 1 L.E. Barber $107,803.25
<br />Zone 2 Batteast Construction $140,391.75
<br />Zone 3 Batteast Construction $128,238.00
<br />Zone 4 Kaser-Spraker Construction $ 46,863.00
<br />Sufficient funds have been appropriated form the Capital Budget General Fund, the Cumulative
<br />Capital Improvement Fund, and payments from the homeowners. Therefore, Ms. Roemer made a
<br />motion that the recommendation be accepted and the bids be awarded as outlined above. Mr. Powell
<br />seconded the motion which carried.
<br />Mr. Matthew Chlebowski, Director, Central Services, advised the Board that on March 8, 1999, bids
<br />were received and opened for the above referred to equipment. After reviewing those bids, Mr.
<br />Chlebowski recommends that the Board award the contract to Power Screen of Indiana, Inc., 309
<br />West Stocker Street, Angola, Indiana in the amount of $167,000.00. Funding is provided by
<br />Environmental Services Capital Improvement Fund. Therefore, Ms. Roemer made a motion that the
<br />recommendation be accepted and the bid be awarded as outlined above. Mr. Powell seconded the
<br />motion which carried.
<br />Mr. Paul Hurst, C.E. S. Equipment, was present, and stated that his company was the sole responsive
<br />bidder to the specifications written. He stated that his equipment was more cost effective in the long
<br />run, in that the other stacker from Power Screen would have pile overruns, and the City would have
<br />to use a second pay loader, which adds a cost to the task. Mr. Hurst stated that if we were to re -bid
<br />the equipment, where everyone is on the same wavelength, the bids would be comparable. He also
<br />stated that his equipment was patented.
<br />Mr. Matt Chlebowski, Director of Central Services, was present, and submitted pictures of the four
<br />(4) pieces of equipment bid. Mr. Chlebowski stated that the trommel screen from Power Screen
<br />performs all duties, and exceeds the specifications in eight (8) different area, such as the size of the
<br />conveyor and amount of cubic yards screened. Additionally, Mr. Jack Dillon, Director of
<br />Environmental Services, and Mr. Ken Smith, Organic Resources, where the trommel screen will be
<br />used, have reviewed and tested the equipment, and finds the equipment from Power Screen to be
<br />satisfactory. Mr. Chlebowski recommended that the bid from Power Screen be approved, which is
<br />in the best interest of the City of South Bend.
<br />There being no further discussion, Mr. Powell made a motion to award the bid to Power Screen. Mr.
<br />Caldwell seconded the motion which carried.
<br />