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Mr. Pawlowski offered to have a sit down with Councilmember Broden to go over her questions <br />in more detail, but explained that the workforce ideas had originated in the Mayor's Office as a <br />pilot program, and the Department of Community Investment has inherited the funding of the <br />program. Some of the GVI is really done by Goodwill, but he has a heavy involvement in that as <br />well since Community Investment is leading the GVI effort. <br />Councilmember Broden asked who within the City staff interfaces with the Housing Authority, <br />and if that is done through Neighborhood Engagement. <br />Mr. Pawlowski stated that the Department of Community Investment does work with the <br />Housing Authority, but he can't speak for them. <br />Committee Chair Ferlic opened the floor up to the public. <br />Valerie Mora, 4207 Norton Drive, stated that she is wondering where we are in this continuum in <br />terms of reconfiguring our economy and bringing more high tech and higher paying jobs into our <br />community. Ultimately, we want people to have jobs so they don't have to ask for funds to <br />maintain their homes. Indiana as a state is touting jobs that aren't going to be here in the next ten <br />(10) years as our hot jobs. South Bend should step up as a leader in bringing other jobs in. We <br />need to improve our communication across the board. <br />Charlotte Pfeifer, 1013 West Washington Street, asked if Mr. Pawlowski said that he was unable <br />to give the statistics of the Workforce Development people, and she wanted to encourage the <br />City to be conscious and deliberate in regard to communities of color. If you're not conscious <br />and deliberate, it just won't happen. You'll be well- intentioned, but it won't happen. She stated <br />she has not seen any Ethiopian restaurants downtown. If recruiting police officers and fire <br />fighters of color is not - conscious and deliberate, it won't happen. If we don't replace our baby <br />boomers with people that look like this community, we will have difficulties. <br />Mr. Pawlowski responded that the workforce programs that exist now try to mirror what is <br />needed in the local economy. The City is also partnering with schools. The City has partnered <br />with Work One, and as an organization they are unable to release some of their private <br />information to us. <br />Committeemember Davis requested that minority contractors be looked at with regard to the <br />contractors working with the City to repair homes. <br />With no other business on the agenda, Committee Chair Ferlic adjourned the meeting at 5:44 <br />p.m. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />Gavin Ferlic, Chairperson <br />7 <br />