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Council has voted unanimously each year since then to approve the rates. In addition to the <br />recommendation we have added language that has fixed where if we go from April when the <br />rates are set by Medicare to June Pt when the report is given to Council, we miss out on those <br />rates from April to June. That is a two (2) to three (3) month gap where we are missing federal <br />funds. This puts language into the ordinance where the Medicare fee schedule comes out in <br />April, we have the ability to raise that schedule in accordance with the percentage increase <br />associated with the Medicare fee schedule and then when we come in June to present the <br />recommendation, Council will still have oversight over the proposal but in the meantime we <br />wouldn't be missing out from those increased rates. <br />Committeemember Oliver Davis asked isn't that what we already have been doing. <br />Chief Cox responded no and we have been doing it coming in every year. Typically the way the <br />ordinance has been set up, we reported the recommendations in June. We have to do it at that <br />time to be able to report on an entire calendar year. There is still a gap in time from when the <br />report comes and the rate changes from Medicare that we are trying to come up with a way to <br />make sure we are taking advantage of those rates. <br />No one from the public spoke either in favor of or in opposition to the bill. <br />Committeemember Oliver Davis made a motion to send Bill 30 -16 to the full Council with a <br />favorable recommendation. Committeemember Jo M. Broden seconded the motion which carried <br />by voice vote of four (4) ayes'. <br />With no further business before the Committee, Committee Chair John Voorde adjourned the <br />meeting at 6:06 p.m. <br />Respectfully bmitte , <br />John Voorde, Chairperson <br />2 <br />