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Community/Campus Advisory Coalition (CCAC) <br />September 9, 2009 Meeting Minutes <br />Page 4 <br />His one concern is that the students are not putting trash cans and recycling bins away <br />after trash pickup. Cathy Toppel asked when the trash is picked up in the neighborhood <br />and said Code inspectors can check the area the next day and notices can be sent~to <br />offending households. Bill Kirk said it is possible that the students don't really know <br />what day the trash is picked up, so they are leaving the trash cans in front of the house. <br />He suggested that was something that could be put on the off-campus website. <br />Marguerite Taylor said everything was quiet in her neighborhood. <br />COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES <br />Ann Puzzello noted that Mr. Costello's neighborhood is almost all student housing and <br />she understood his concerns. <br />Council Member Puzzello announced that the Neighborhood Picnic at the Robinson <br />Center will be held September 25, 2009 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. She asked Ms. <br />Taylor to talk about the plans for this year's picnic. Ms. Taylor said that the picnic will be <br />held in the parking lot of the Robinson Center and is open to neighborhood residents <br />and students. There will be free food, entertainment and lots of activities. Last year's <br />picnic was attended by about 300 people (about half students and half residents) and <br />they hope for an even bigger turnout. Ms. Taylor invited everyone to attend. <br />Council Member Kirsits reiterated his concerns about the students who had been <br />robbed while walking late at night. He would like to see police decoys in the area <br />around the University so the culprits could be apprehended. He expressed his <br />disappointment that a police representative did not attend this meeting and will ask that <br />a representative attend the next meeting. <br />Council Member Kirsits also thanked <br />they are involved in. He commented <br />returning students and their parents <br />monetary contributions to the City and <br />good use. <br />the schools for the community service projects <br />that the Hospitality Village welcoming new and <br />was wonderful. He also said the Notre Dame <br />County were very welcome and would be put to <br />CITY REPRESENTATIVES <br />Cathy Toppel said Code Enforcement has had no problems with students living off <br />campus and everyone has been very cooperative. <br />Mayor Luecke thanked everyone for working together and being faithful to the intent of <br />the group. <br />