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Community/Campus Advisory Coalition (CCAC) <br />September 9, 2009 Meeting Minutes <br />Page 2 <br />UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME <br />Tim Sexton, Vice President of Community Development, spoke briefly about his role as <br />liaison between community leaders and the University before introducing Greg Hakanen <br />who gave the Coalition an update on Eddy Street Commons. Mr. Hakanen provided <br />photos of the complex and said the retail leasing is currently at 65%. The Follette Book <br />Store and several restaurants will be opening in the near future. <br />Student Body President, Grant Schmidt, updated the Coalition on several ongoing and <br />new matters. They included: <br />• Off-campus Website. Student Affairs has launched the off-campus website <br />( Students can find information on leasing issues, contacting <br />landlords, throwing quiet parties, and local food and entertainment venues. <br />• Intersection at T ckenham and Vaness. Concerns about pedestrian safety at <br />this intersection were brought to the Coalition last spring. Student government <br />wanted a flashing light or signage to warn motorists of the pedestrian crossing. <br />Representatives from the City and University have been having discussions <br />about this intersection and actually met at the intersection to discuss what was <br />needed. Grant reported that signage will be placed at the intersection and an <br />analysis will be conducted to possibly lower the speed limit. <br />• Freshman Bus Tour. This year's freshman bus tour was a huge success. Over <br />400 students toured the City (last year about 50 students participated). They <br />were taken to several locations throughout the City including the Cove, the <br />Studebaker Museum and the Morris Performing Arts Center. Students were <br />given a brief history lesson about the City and were treated to pizza and treats at <br />the Chocolate Cafe as well as discount coupons for local restaurants. The <br />turnout was so large extra busses and food had to be ordered. <br />• Security Gates. Student government met with the Notre Dame Security Police <br />(NDSP) to thank them for the excellent job they do keeping the campus secure. <br />They have requested that the NDSP project a friendlier attitude while they <br />continue to protect the campus. <br />• Taxi Reform. The Coalition was given an update on the progress of taxi reform. <br />Concerns about overcharging and student safety has led to discussions between <br />various City departments and student government about how best to correct <br />these issues through amending the Municipal Code. More meetings will be <br />required to finalize any proposed changes. Council Member Kirsits said he has <br />had conversations with two of the County Commissioners who are interested in <br />