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Council Member Henry Davis, Vice-Chairperson, affirmed his support for the <br />Natatorium and Hansel projects however he questioned the process of setting priorities <br />for allocation of CDBG funds. In particular, he felt the Code Enforcement Department <br />should not be cut. Council Member Henry Davis, suggested money could better be spent <br />enhancing the quality of life in the Second District. More demolition of vacant non- <br />salvageable homes, mowing and clearing of vacant lots, curbs, sidewalks and <br />improvements in both the infrastructure and programs in parks would be examples of <br />money better spent. Council Member Henry Davis said he would propose a continuance <br />of one meeting during the evening meeting to further discuss the priority determination <br />process. Based upon that intent Council Member Rouse asked for a motion to send to <br />full Council without recommendation. Council Member Henry Davis so motioned. <br />Steve Cooreman seconded, all agreed. <br />Bill No. 09-57 -Tax Abatement (Schafer Gear) -Personal Property <br />Chairperson Rouse- asked Bob Mathia to report the Economic Development Departments <br />findings. Bob reported Schaefer's petition met all the criteria for abatement. He then <br />introduced Stan Blankey, Executive Vice President, Schafer Gear, to add comment. Mr. <br />Blankley spoke to the challenges of the economic climate and the efforts of the company <br />to grow. The purchase of new manufacturing equipment, he said, would allow the <br />creation of 8 new full time jobs and protect 67 current positions. In addition, over <br />$225,000 dollars would be added to the tax base. Chairperson Rouse noted that tax <br />abatement was truly a tax "phase-in" not a giveaway. Asking his committee for a <br />recommendation, Council Member White motioned to recommend favorably. Council <br />Member Puzzello seconded and all supported the favorable advisory. <br />There being no further business to come before the Committee at this time, Chairperson, <br />Rouse adjourned the meeting at 3:47 p.m. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />~-~- ~ _ <br />Timothy A. Rou~se;~2~airperson <br />Community andeconomic Development Committee <br />