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Councilmember White asked if funds could be targeted to specific areas. If the services <br />are eligible under federal guidelines they could Pam replied. Wondering why funds were <br />being used to repair an alley behind the Natatorium, Rouse said more information was <br />needed to see the big picture. Better accounting of dollars from different funds or pools <br />of money shown in the aggregate was needed to help the council make informed <br />judgments. He wanted to know the total amount of public dollars available annually in <br />South Bend and a clear, concise summary of where the dollars were spent. Pam Meyer <br />again stated the allocations reflected the priorities of a five-year plan put together with <br />input from the Council and the general public. She also noted that Mishawaka and St. <br />Joseph County had contracted with South Bend's CD Department to administer the funds <br />which they were granted by the feds. Before wrap up Rouse asked for public comment at <br />which time Linda Beckley, the Director of the YWCA, expressed concern about cutbacks <br />in public service dollars. She questioned the priorities of putting human needs on the <br />back burner. Needs increase, she said, as available dollars are withdrawn with no <br />replacement dollars in sight. Oliver Davis asked who or how these policies were formed. <br />Pam said policies were reflective of the Mayor's priorities noting that needs always <br />exceed resources. She also noted the Council had a vote of the 2010 allocation. To <br />which Tim Rouse reminded her that the Council could only cut dollars not add or <br />reallocate. Henry Davis spoke to the need for a better focus to maximize the effect of <br />limited resources. He felt a focused plan for vacant lot infill emphasizing better quality <br />homes to boost rather than lower surrounding property values. Pam responded saying <br />they, the city, are always sensitive to neighborhood character and always look to <br />maximize the limited dollars impact. <br />There being no further business to come before the Committee at this time, Chairperson, <br />Rouse adjourned the meeting at 5:32 p.m. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />Timothy A. ,Chairperson <br />Communit d Economic Development Committee <br />