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Committee Member Jo M. Broden asked about the Metro PC parking lot that they are requesting <br />to use. What is their requirement for parking? Ms. Paek will have to double check, but she <br />stated that the owner of each of the businesses is the same person. There are also some <br />allowances for on- street parking there. <br />The Committee discussed the space behind the building, and determined that there is a lot of <br />space for parking there. <br />Chris Strothers, the petitioner, stated that the potholes in the back have been filled to his <br />knowledge. Other than the parking, they are ready to go. <br />The Council and Council Attorney discussed what was needed regarding written commitments. <br />The written commitment is now on file with the City Clerk. <br />Council President Tim Scott asked how many parking spots the back lot would have, and <br />whether or not they would be marked. Mr. Strothers explained that the maximum number of <br />spots they would need is around five (5), and they are not planning on marking them. Mr. <br />Strothers clarified that the landlord is different from the owner of the property. <br />Committee Member Ferlic made a motion to send Bill 16 -49 to the full Council favorably, <br />Committee Member Voorde seconded the motion and it carried with a voice vote of four (4) <br />ayes. <br />Bill No. 16 -51— Special Exception for Gates Automotive at 700 West Ireland Road <br />Ayoka Paek, Building Department at 125 S. Lafayette Suite 100, they do this annually, and it <br />came up that they need a special exception to do the car sales on the property, and it comes to the <br />Council with a favorable recommendation from the Board of Zoning Appeals. <br />They don't have to apply for the special exception every year. Once the special exception is <br />approved, they'll be able to use it every year when they have this sale. The state requires zoning <br />administrators to sign off on state auto license sales, and they were not meeting the requirements <br />of the ordinance and they didn't realize that in previous years. <br />Clint Emperton, General Sales Manager at Gates Toyota, we've done this for the last three (3) <br />years there, and we've done it for the last six (6) years in the City of Mishawaka, where we had <br />to go through the same process. We hold this event two (2) to three (3) times on the south side <br />of town. We are asking for 100 parking spots at the furthest northeast corner of the lot so we can <br />bring in Chevrolets from our other location. It is adjacent to our Toyota location. <br />Committee Member Ferlic made a motion to send Bill 16 -51 to the full Council favorably, it was <br />seconded by Committee Member Voorde, and it carried by a voice vote of four (4) ayes. <br />With no other business, Committee Chair Davis adjourned the Zoning and Annexation <br />Committee Meeting at 4:17 p.m. <br />El <br />