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Council Attorney Cekanski- Fan-and asked what the timeline was for the agreements with the <br />History Museum. <br />Mr. Zeiger stated it just is a matter of time to get it written, the details have already been agreed <br />upon. <br />Council Attorney Cekanski - Farrand responded Council President Tim Scott, who is absent due <br />to an illness, had questions about the engineering study. <br />Councilmember Regina Williams- Preston entered the meeting at 3:50 p.m. <br />The public was given an opportunity to speak either in favor or against the bill. <br />Those wishing to speak in favor: <br />Andrew Hudak, 121 South Chapin, spoke in favor of the bill. He had spoken at the Area Plan <br />Commission with concerns. Most of those concerns have been addressed. He appreciates the <br />efforts taken to relieve the parking issue but the natural place if their lot is full will be to park on <br />the south side of Chapin. That is public parking on the street and everyone knows that when they <br />purchase a house there. He is thrilled at the level of work going into the building which <br />desperately needs it and appreciates that they have limited the residential units to no more than <br />two (2) in the mansion and no more than one (1) in the carriage house. It will require some work <br />but if those limits ate in place and the parking agreements with the History Museum are agreed <br />to then it will be a great addition to the neighborhood. <br />Jim Bognar, 8058 West Washington, spoke in favor of the bill. Mr. Bognar stated Indiana <br />Landmarks has done an outstanding job since mid - March. They are a local company hiring local <br />workers who are very respectful to the surrounding properties. Mr. Zeiger has done an <br />immeasurable amount of work making sure everything is running smoothly. Parking has always <br />been a concern in this neighborhood. A year ago there was an attempt to place a curb cut so that <br />the front could be restored like Mr. Zeiger wants to do. Engineering really pushed back against <br />that curb cut but did eventually grant permission but then the property was sold before it took <br />place. Mr. Bognar stated he thinks they should get the approval for the curb cut from <br />Engineering before the Council acts on this. There should also be a neighborhood traffic study <br />like Mr. Zeiger desires. The Administration, the Council, Landmarks and the neighborhood all <br />need to be on the same page before this moves forward because the work Mr. Zeiger is doing is <br />outstanding. If we want this positive development to move forward we need Engineering to <br />agree with this curb cut first. Everyone is going to have to get along with parking if we want this <br />to be successful. <br />Jack Smith, 220 South William Street South Bend, spoke in favor of the bill. He moved here in <br />1960 and immediately got involved in historic preservation. We need to take care of these <br />wonderful old properties. There were a lot of frightened people when we learned someone out of <br />town was going to handle the property but all those fears have gone away. He has a lot of faith in <br />what they are doing and it's going to be a success. We have torn down far too many of these <br />2 <br />