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Personnel and Finance Committee Meeting <br />August 14, 2009 <br />Page 3 <br />In response to questions from Council Member Oliver Davis, Mr. Pinckert stated that the <br />SBPD has not hired any officers in over a year. Division Chief Horvath added that the <br />department goes to a conference in Bloomington which recruits individuals who are <br />already certified. <br />In response to a question from Council Member Henry Davis, Jr., Mr. Pinckert stated that <br />one (1) female police officer is serving in Iraq and is hoping to return to the SBPD next <br />Summer. There are three (3) officers currently on active military duty with another officer <br />leaving in January 2010. Mr. Pinckert stressed that the 2010 proposed police budget is <br />over $1 million less than the 2009 SBPD budget. <br />Council Member Rouse voiced concern over what he called "bells and whistles" being <br />added back into the police department budget, while other departments are being asked to <br />cut. <br />Mr. Pincket stated that there are "very little bells and whistles". He noted that the Police <br />Cadets earn a maximum of $10,000 per year. These are college students who work at the <br />SBPD part-time and receive on-the-job training. He believes it is "an investment well worth <br />it". <br />Council Member Henry Davis, Jr. stated that he likes incentive-type programs, but knows <br />of unpaid internships as well. <br />Division Chief Horvath stated that the city has agreements with Bethel College, the <br />University of Notre Dame and Indiana University South Bend. Programs encourage home <br />grown sons and daughters to later work on the SBPD. Each who qualifies signs a contract <br />at the end of four (4) years and has a degree; must pass physical and agility tests. <br />Currently one (1) cadet is assigned to the Investigative Bureau and works the equivalent of <br />2/3 days for a total of $10,000 per year. He also handles fraud investigations. Cadets live <br />in South Bend and are vested and interested in staying in South Bend. <br />Council Member Henry Davis, Jr. stated it sounds "like a great thing". <br />Council Member White inquired as to what the parameters were in adding dollars back into <br />the police budget. She stated that the Council needs to know the standards which were <br />used by the Administration. <br />In response to a question from Council Member LaFountain, Division Chief Horvath stated <br />that all officers must go through FTO and the Academy in Plainfield; and the Cadet <br />program reduces the overall training by about 2-3 weeks. <br />Council Member Rouse stated that he is not attempting to quarrel with the Police <br />Department and sees the programs which they have highlighted as being excellent. <br />