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.i ^~~ <br />~'\ ~~:_~ <br />Personnel and Finance Committee <br />2009 South Bend Common Council <br />The August 14, 2009 meeting of the Personnel and Finance Committee of the South Bend <br />Common Council was called to order by its Chairperson, Council Member Thomas <br />LaFountain at 11:02 a..m. in the Council's Informal Meeting Room <br />Persons in attendance included Council Members Rouse, White, Henry Davis, Jr., <br />LaFountain, Puzzello, and Oliver Davis,; Mayor Stephen Luecke, Uniform Division Chief <br />Jeff Walters, Police Division Chief Gary Horvath, Police Fiscal Officer Don Pinckert, Fire <br />Chief Howard Buchanon, II, ,Assistant Chief for Services Mark Nowicki City Controller M. <br />Catherine Fanello, Assistant Controller John Murphy, City Attorney Charles Leone, Gregg <br />D. Zientara, Ken Marks, President of South Bend Firefighters Local # 362, Todd <br />Skwarcan, Thomas "Chip" Lewis, Local # 362 Attorney, Chris Baker, Gerard Ellis, Martha <br />Lewis, Captain Christian Rose, Tom Price from the Mayor's Office, members from the <br />news media personnel, and Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand, Council Attorney. <br />Council Member LaFountain noted that the Committee Members include Council Members <br />White, Varner, Oliver Davis, and himself; and that a quorum was present. <br />Presentation on the Proposed 2010 South Bend Fire Department Pension Budget: <br />Fire Department Pension Secretary Captain Christian Rose made the presentation. He <br />reviewed the "Fire Pension Summary of Funding Sources and Expenditures 2010 Budget" <br />(1-page attached). <br />Captain Rose noted that the proposed 2010 budget is for $5,945,326; and that there is no <br />change in personnel proposed. Nine (9) firefighters are eligible to retire and the city is <br />mandated to budget that potential cost which is $235,561. Death benefits for a firefighter <br />are $12,000 with a total of $96,000 being budgeted for this item. One (1) firefighter is <br />under the DROP program and will leave in December; with that cost being $93,423. <br />Captain Rose stated that there are: <br />143 retirees <br />1 DROP retiree as of December 2009 <br />68 widows and dependents <br />9 Firefighters eligible to retire <br />Council Member LaFountain thanked Captain Rose for his presentation. <br />