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Given the opportunity George along with attorney Dave Wemhoff outlined their <br />efforts to promote Public Access Michiana (PAM), a newly formed non-profit that <br />would provide programming on a public access television channel. They said <br />since cable vision was no longer required to provide a channel for public access <br />there has been no public forum for discussion and dissemination of information. <br />However, due to their efforts PAM has taken the initiative to contact WNIT who <br />will allow studio time and space for public access broadcasting. Funding <br />necessary for staffing, programming, and production remains a questions. <br />George hope South Bend would dedicate as much as 40% of the $800,000 the <br />city received annually in the form of franchise fees, George then asked Mike <br />Kruck to report on their fact finding mission to Ft. Wayne. Mike said Ft. Wayne <br />dedicates 40% of their $1,000,000 annual fee to support such an enterprise as <br />was being proposed here. Discussion as to whether other governmental <br />agencies in St. Joseph County had been asked to pitch in. It was said <br />expressions of support if not dollar commitments had been forthcoming. <br />Councilmember Rouse indicated any dollar requests should be made to the <br />administration in that the general rule in financial appropriations was that such <br />proposals come from the Mayor for consideration by the Council. George Lane <br />said PAM would continue their drive for support. <br />There being no further business to come before the Committee at this time. <br />Chairperson Henry Davis, Jr., adjourned the meeting at 5:53 p.m. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />Henry Davis, Jr., Chairperson <br />Community Relations Committee <br />