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from the different departments. That helps us wrap our minds around the problem. Being able <br />to quantify the problem is significant, especially looking at what we are doing with our staff's <br />time. It will also help us measure the performance as time goes on. I don't believe that the <br />ordinance has an assessment and revisitation at a time that is definite, and I would like to see that <br />added. The performance measures mentioned in the ordinance are good, but I think there might <br />be better ones. There also isn't anything listed as a definite time such as six (6) months or one <br />(1) year into this where we do a review of the program. It should be independent or <br />collaborative, so it isn't just Code Enforcement assessing itself. All of this will help us in the <br />future. <br />We've taken best practices from other cities, but they only enacted their bills in the last few <br />years. Are there plusses and minuses in these implementation processes that have informed our <br />legislation? Are there things that are working or not working from them that we should do or <br />should not do? Business -wise, does the registration period make sense? Do we want to tie it to <br />the end of the calendar year completely, and look at it as a quarterly objective with a start date of <br />September 1St? With regard to the fines, my understanding is that we have very responsible <br />property owners. I wonder if we can give an early notification for people who haven't registered <br />thirty (3 0) days out, and then have a very nominal fee, such as ten (10) dollars per day that they <br />haven't registered capped at three- hundred (300) or four - hundred (400), to be more responsive <br />toward the concerns that people might make slight errors. <br />Committeemember Broden is also eager to hear from the business owners regarding their <br />feelings toward this bill and the ways they've addressed their concerns. <br />Committeemember Davis stated that he had already shared with them that he would like to see <br />issues of this nature be brought up in more of a commission concept like at the state and the <br />federal level. Some can go for months, and some may just need one meeting. It can be flexible. <br />Committeemember Davis echoed Committee Member Broden's desire to see more of what other <br />cities have done in regards to their landlord registration programs. I'd like to know these things <br />ahead of time rather than waiting to evaluate at a later time. That's where a commission would <br />help. I would like to address the issue of the Council creating a concept of fraud, because we <br />cannot do that as a Council. Since we are a legal body, I would like those things to be clarified <br />so that any person can say that this is why we used that term. One person opened up by stating <br />that this would not solve the problem, but if you open up by stating that this is not going to solve <br />the problem, then why are we here? Why are we going to create this if it isn't going to solve the <br />problem? <br />I would like to hear more about the discriminatory nature of things we heard about these fines in <br />other places. We need to look at how people are using fines all over the country right now, <br />especially in regard to Ferguson, Missouri. Another issue I'd like to discuss further is the issue <br />of Public Domain. Dr. Ferlic, you found everyone you were looking for and called them all, so <br />you were able to solve these problems using our current system. If you weren't able to solve <br />those problems using our current system, I would see the need for this new program. <br />