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Fines will not be issued right away; there will be a warning letter going out if there is a failure to <br />register or renew the registration. Evansville has a fine of one - hundred (100) dollars a day every <br />day that you do not register. Ours is three- hundred (300) dollars for late registration. This <br />shows the landlord that we are serious about having the registration, but it isn't as big of a <br />burden as we've had in the past. <br />One of the other questions everyone has had is the partial identification and the key number for <br />the property. We are not going to delve into the EIN Number, it is just there to identify the <br />property to the owner if there is any question if that is connected. <br />The number of fines and penalties issued and collected is part of the form here, but we will look <br />at the performance measures to see within a year how this is performing so we can readdress it if <br />we have any issues one way or another. <br />From 2015 -2016, the violations that come up in code show that only twenty (20) percent of the <br />code violations are for properties that are owner - occupied. Rental units account for seventy -two <br />(72) percent. Owners within South Bend account for sixty -six (66) percent, and owners outside <br />of South Bend account for thirty -three (33) percent. Owners in St. Joseph County account for <br />seventy -five (75) percent, and outside of St. Joseph County twenty -four (24.9) percent. Owners <br />in Indiana account for eighty -two (82) percent versus owners from outside of Indiana at eighteen <br />(18) percent. <br />We have concerns with individuals inside of our area, as well as issues with tracking down <br />individuals from outside of our area. <br />President Scott continued his presentation, which is available in the Office of the City Clerk. <br />Santiago Garces will be writing the code for the registration forms, and he is going to see if we <br />can emulate the form that Indianapolis currently uses. <br />Lastly, during the State of the City, the Mayor said the upcoming Landlord Registration Bill will <br />further enhance accountability through the City as the point of contact for every property we <br />encounter. This isn't just about finding irresponsible landlords, it's about making sure that we're <br />able to stay in touch with the majority of landlords who do the right thing. <br />Randy Wilkerson, Director of Code Enforcement 13th Floor of this building, once this is <br />approved, we will educate the public through newsletters and social media to make sure as many <br />people know about this as possible. Once we establish the list, we'll ask for your email address <br />so we can send notifications when it is time to renew registrations. <br />The issue we run into in code hearings is where six (6) of fourteen (14) are LLCs. People do not <br />always show up to represent the LLCs. We've talked about how easy it is to find the registration <br />with the state, and this isn't going to solve the problem because this company is still going to be <br />out of business and it still is not going to have representation, but it will change how we look at <br />people. We can go out and know that you are a good property owner if you're registered, and <br />we'll have a relationship with you. <br />