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Committeemember. Karen White stated that we should get the invoices from two (2) years ago as <br />a reference for the new members of the Council. <br />Committeemember Williams- Preston asked whether or not we would receive a statement from <br />Kathy before she charges, or are we just going to get billed afterwards. Council Attorney <br />Cekanski - Farrand stated that she gives a line -item detail as time goes along. <br />President Scott stated that they've had a very friendly conversation with the F.O.P. during the <br />last few contract negotiations. <br />Committeemember Williams- Preston clarified that this would be work outside of what the <br />Council Attorney is already contracted to perform for the Council. Council Attorney Cekanski- <br />Farrand explained that this is not going to be a typical nine (9) to five (5) workday. These are <br />separate duties above and beyond the other contracted work of the Council Attorney. <br />Council Attorney Cekanski - Farrand stated that she would be glad to share the proposal with <br />Committeemember Williams- Preston if she hasn't already received it. <br />Committeemember Broden asked for some of the background of estimated amount of work and <br />time apportioned to the various areas to help the new councilmembers get up to speed. <br />Committee Chair Voorde asked if there was language in the contract that stated an amount the <br />attorney fees could not exceed, and Council Attorney Cekanski - Farrand stated that she believes it <br />is right around $20,000 maximum. That would be the total that cannot be exceeded for both <br />negotiations. <br />Committeemember Oliver Davis asked if they would be charged for negotiations with the <br />Teamsters, since the Council is not the lead agent, and Council Attorney Cekanski - Farrand <br />answered that there would be a charge, but the role is very minor from the Council perspective <br />because of the small amount of time she would have to spend. <br />President Scott stated that he could get the new councilmembers an overview of how the process <br />works, especially if they want to serve on the negotiations. <br />Committee Chair Voorde asked for public comments on Bill No. 16 -48. Seeing none, he asked <br />for a disposition by a committee member. <br />Committeemember Davis motioned to send Bill No. 16 -48 to the full Council favorably, and it <br />was seconded by Committeemember White and passed unanimously with a voice vote. <br />Bill No. 12 -16 — Landlord Registration Program - SUBSTITUTE BILL <br />Tim Scott, 711 Forest Avenue, started by introducing and thanking all of the people involved in <br />putting Bill No. 12 -16 together. This has been talked about since before I was on the Council, <br />and this is a need by the Administration. <br />Committeemember White also stated that former Councilmember Charlotte Pfeifer had held a <br />number of discussions and meetings to talk about ways in which we could identify various <br />properties. This is not a new discussion; it has been in theworks for years. <br />3 <br />