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Officer Lane, I appreciate your concerns about criminal properties, but it is somewhat misguided <br />to think that this registry will solve that problem, because the municipal code requires you to <br />send notice about criminal activities to the address that is in the Assessor's records, so you could <br />create this registry and say tell us where to find you, but legally you're required to send these <br />notices to what's in the Assessor's record. I think the tools already exist to solve the problems <br />that were mentioned by the proponents of the bill. <br />Committee Chair Voorde assured everyone that they would be heard before any vote is taken. <br />Committeemember White explained that bills at this level can be sent with no recommendation. <br />Committeemember Davis showed concern that people will only have five (5) minutes to talk <br />about this. I wish we could have a continuance where we can finish this part tonight, and then <br />have another meeting so we can have more discussion. <br />Dr. Ferlic says that the committee serves citizens, not landlords, and it has a duty to protect them. <br />He has people asking him all of the time when something will be done. <br />Committeemember Broden stated that it is a timing issue. This is a tool that we need, but we <br />need to make sure we have the right tool with the right leverage with the right pieces in place. <br />So I would prefer to air this out a little more and I would put a motion that we continue <br />discussion on this tonight and if need be at the next meeting. <br />Committee Chair Voorde asked Council Attorney Cekanski- Farrand to clarify that we do not <br />make a continuance effort at the committee level. If after tonight's hearing, someone feels as <br />though it needs further discussion, then all they have to do is make a motion for a continuance, <br />then it can be continued. Council Attorney Cekanski- Farrand said that they cannot make a <br />continuance effort at the committee level without the sponsors agreeing to it. <br />Councilmember Scott expressed his respect for everyone's opinions, and reiterated that this <br />process began in September with the first version of the bill that was given to Penny Hughes and <br />the realty group. We then met with them for input each month afterwards. The Council <br />Members have had versions of it since February, which we've delayed. Now we have a well - <br />written, simple bill. I like what we have, and I believe that there are a few tweaks we should <br />make. The idea that there needs to be a complete independent study on a five (5) dollar <br />registration to give your name and address and phone number, I don't know what else there is to <br />study. We've come back to tweak the successful chronic nuisance program, and we'll do the <br />same here. <br />Committeemember White asked the sponsor to make sure that we are in the position to answer <br />the questions that have been posed by the evening meeting. We need to outline the parameters <br />and what the key performances are going to be in regard to the independent review, and we'll <br />need to have that ready to address. I think that it was also recommended that we look at the fees <br />and how the five (5) dollar registration fee jumps to three - hundred (300). I'm hopeful that a lot <br />of these issues can be addressed, the issue that remains is making sure that individuals have <br />ample time tonight to be heard. <br />10 <br />