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Councilmember Broden clarified that the issue of leasing is still unresolved. <br />Mr. Schmidt stated that Statute 10 -36 -3 applies to all municipalities, and 36 -10 -4 was adopted by <br />the City, and they should be read together. <br />Council Attorney Cekanski - Farrand disagrees with that conclusion. With regard to the members <br />of the board, the members of our board can only be removed for cause, for the members of the <br />Mishawaka or Elkhart examples, the cause is very specific with regard to what it is. There are so <br />many differences between some of the policies and procedures that I don't think you can <br />encompass them all. I didn't find any case authority on this or Attorney General's opinions, but <br />that's something I'm continuing to pursue. <br />Councilmember Broden stated that there should be some clarity before we move forward. <br />Mr. Schmidt stated that there are still protections for the Park Board with regard to leasing under <br />36- 10 -4 -9, which Council Attorney Cekanski - Farrand has cited. There is flexibility for the Park <br />Board to enter into lease agreements. Council Attorney Cekanski - Farrand added that 10 -4 -9 <br />does not carve out a role at all for the City Council. Mr. Schmidt stated that 36 -10 -3 does not <br />have a role with leasing parks property. But consistently across the board, it is a check to the <br />powers of the legislative body of the city that you cannot sell land without public approval. <br />Mr. Schmidt stated that the takeaway is that everybody is going to be on the same page with <br />what the process is if there is going to be a sale, and if the ultimate decision is a lease, we still <br />have to work that out. <br />Committeemember Perri presented an update from TJ Mannen on the progress of Elbel Golf <br />Course for this season. The course opened up earlier than they thought it would be able to due to <br />nice weather. April 4th and 5th the course was closed for a few days to do the deep tine <br />aerification process to all the greens and some top dressing and over - seeding on the greens. This <br />is treating the course with more care than it has been in recent years. They've been working on <br />the drainage and healthy growth of the green, in particular Green #15 which has been closed and <br />will remain closed for the next couple of weeks. It will be open by May 1St at the absolute latest. <br />We thank everybody for their patience. <br />We want to do a grand reopening once everything is back to where we are real proud of it, so <br />that's scheduled tentatively for April 29. We'll do some fun food and beverage event out in the <br />clubhouse, so we're looking forward to that. In terms of operations, we're trying to streamline <br />some things in the clubhouse. We are combining the pro shop operation with the golf <br />registration where you pay your green fees. We are working on the tee boxes, reshaping <br />everything, and loosening the soil for play to help reduce the maintenance and drainage and <br />reduce the use of chemicals. This presentation is available in Dropbox and in the Office of the <br />City Clerk. <br />We'll have a free movie night, night golf, disc golf at Studebaker, and we're trying to leverage <br />the fact that Elbel has been in the news a lot, and we actually have more outings scheduled there <br />than we've had in recent years. We currently have fourteen (14) outings scheduled. We've also <br />reallocated some advertising budgets throughout the Park Department to make sure that the <br />0 <br />