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this doesn't give us the answers. If it is a sell or a land trust, it will come back to the Council. <br />All of those decisions will have to be informed off of this data gathering. I think we have a <br />whole new road map going forward. <br />Councilmember Kelly restated that discussing staffing and more oversight gets us into the weeds, <br />and makes it more of an oversight than an advisory committee. These are strong <br />recommendations, and I trust the process and the people involved that it will move ahead well <br />and transparently. <br />The committee discussed Recommendation Five (5), and added that future use decisions are <br />deferred at this time but will include public access and ecological integrity. <br />The committee decided to break Recommendation Six (6) into two parts. Six (6) "A" would <br />refer to the extension of the Special Advisory Committee, and Six (6) "B" would pop the issue <br />back into the respective Park Board. <br />Committeemember Farrell interpreted it as progress reports that will be brought to the Parks <br />Board, the Common Council and the Parks Committee. <br />Councilmember Broden looked to amend Six (6) "A" to be an extension through joint resolution, <br />and looking at two (2) meetings, specifically once the consultants are done with their work in <br />late summer early fall with a rollout of the consultants' findings, then have further <br />recommendations to vote upon by the committee. It would bring our responsibility full circle <br />because we don't have the data within the 45 days. <br />Committee Member Kelly moved to accept Recommendations One (1) through Five (5), and <br />they were accepted unanimously by a voice vote. <br />Mr. Perri moved to approve Recommendation Six (6) "B" with progress reports on a monthly <br />basis to both the PARC Council Committee and the Park Board. Committee Member Kelly <br />seconded it. The motion passed by three (3) to two (2) (Committee Members Broden and <br />White). <br />Committee Member White clarified that we must make sure that the structure is clearly <br />articulated and have ample opportunity to look at the structure in regards to making sure that the <br />public and the council and the members of the advisory committee understand it. <br />Committee Member Kelly asked that any council member come to him as PARC Committee <br />chair if they feel like anything is missing or needs to be done. <br />Council Attorney Cekanski - Farrand explained that within forty -five (45) days of the first <br />meeting, you are to simultaneously send your recommendations to the Mayor, the Council, and <br />the Park Board. <br />13 <br />