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cost $499,239 and the new golf carts in 2012 at $185,250. In 2015 capital spending was very <br />modest with $4,503 spent but that has been corrected with the special appropriation approved a <br />few weeks ago. One of the concerns of the City would be when is the next big capital investment <br />going to be made because those are the years where the City takes the biggest hits. <br />A percentage of expenditures for 2015, personnel was the largest at 47% (forty -seven percent) of <br />all expenditures with a total of $313,753. Shared administrative expenses, which is an allocation <br />of the golf course directors salary among the three (3) courses along with a city allocation to <br />cover items like payroll, accounts payable, and the administration and finance team which is <br />allocated to all departments of the city. For the upcoming year Elbel's administration fee would <br />be around $22,000. The administration gets split up between all the departments in the city so if <br />Elbel's was eliminated every other department would be a little more to make up for that. <br />Seventeen percent (17 %) of expenditures at Elbel last year were spent on contractual expenses. <br />T.J. Mannen stated contractual expenses include phones, Dish Network, utilities, subscriptions, <br />and other charges such as credit cards. <br />Mr. Murphy stated personnel expenditures have decreased over the past five (5) years. Cost of <br />goods sold has increased over the past five (5) years. Supplies and contractual expenses have <br />decreased and capital expenses bump around depending on the year. <br />John Finneran asked Mr. Murphy when the last time the price of a round of golf has gone up at <br />Elbel. <br />T.J. Mannen stated a fee increase was instituted in 2008 when the price structure was changed to <br />get rid of the resident and non - resident rates. The price structure is built with the assumption that <br />it should be more expensive to play at peak hours of usage and less expensive at the times of day <br />when the courses are used less. In 2012 the fees went up around one (1) dollar a round and in <br />2014 the increase was around three (3) dollars a round on the weekly fee. <br />Mr. Finneran stated if revenue seems to be the problem and expenses are going up then the price <br />per round should go up a bit. <br />Mr. Mannen stated it is important to be price sensitive to the competition so as not to price the <br />course out of the market. <br />Mr. Finneran asked who would be the main competition. Mr. Mannen responded Blackthorn, <br />Brookwood, Four Lakes, Warren, and some other courses. Every year there is a projection where <br />there is an analysis of where each course sits against the competition. <br />Mr. Finneran stated there probably should have been some increases in price earlier to offset <br />these deficits. <br />Ron O'Conner asked how much was in the non - reverting fund as of today. <br />Mr. Murphy responded around $400,000 for all Park activities. The golf course sub - account is <br />approximately $150,000. <br />4 <br />