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Committeemember Perri believes that we have the information we need, it is just a matter of getting it in a <br />more user friendly format. He mentioned getting an assessment of how the course has been run and <br />operated. <br />Councilmember Broden believes that we need to get some of the baseline information and then invite the <br />experts, and decide as a committee how best to extend that time to deal with the missing information and <br />the need to drill down on the information that we already have. We also need to decide how we are going <br />to portion out our work to make sure we are effective, whether it is in smaller meetings or in our large <br />meetings. <br />Councilmember White stated that we may have to look into sub committees, which can gather some of <br />this information then report back out to the larger group. <br />Amy stated that the most important thing to be done right now is to get more information so we know <br />what can be done. The public has some good ideas about what could be done, so if we can figure out <br />ways that the public can engage, she would like them to be considered. <br />Councilmember White stated that the public can email any member of the commission or the Office of <br />the City Clerk with questions and suggestions. <br />We have to have a clear understanding of expenditures, operating and capital, and that we must be ready <br />for the golf season as well. <br />Councilmember Broden stated that it is very important that public input is a priority. She believes that the <br />public must be involved as much as possible. In the next couple of days we will talk among ourselves <br />and invite the public to look at the organization and come up with a good structure or format that we can <br />put in place. We need to be able to march this forward with public input and expertise from golfers, <br />management, lease experts, and environmental experts. It is possible that one (1) to two (2) years would <br />be a reasonable timeframe. <br />Councilmember White stated that it is critical that we find a structure that will allow public input from the <br />public and the experts. <br />Councilmember White adjourned the meeting at 8:21 p.m. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />Randy Kelly, Ch irperson, ARC Committee <br />6 <br />