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Aimee Buccallato asked what the numbers look like regarding the city continuing to maintain the golf <br />course in the future, and what it looks like in terms of getting it back on track. Mr. Murphy indicated that <br />there are more details in the ten (10) year budget plan. <br />Committeemember Perri indicated that the 2016 budget is located in the back of the ten (10) year budget <br />plan. He anticipates that the $120,000 is going to be the annual need to get back to where they were <br />before. With the $68,000 additional appropriation, Elbel will need to be subsidized $101,000 this year. <br />The total for all three (3) courses in 2016 is budgeted at $234,000. Committeemember Perri stated that he <br />does have some concerns with the revenue projections, so he put a few adjusted budgets together that he <br />can explain in greater detail, perhaps in the next meeting. <br />Councilmember White asked if the fees would be increased, and whether or not that would be part of the <br />revenue. Committeemember Perri stated that they should look at that scenario. <br />Committeemember Perri discussed his concerns regarding the revenues. If you look at revenue averages, <br />I had a hard time justifying an additional $80,000 in revenue, when the trend wasn't looking that way. We <br />haven't seen $687,000 in revenue since 2010. When I look at the trends, I do have concerns with how the <br />revenue is budgeted, as well as the fact that it has been widely publicized that Elbel has been in limbo. <br />Some leagues and outings have scheduled in other places, which could affect the revenue line. <br />Councilmember White questioned the PR and marketing of the golf course. TJ Mannen stated that they <br />got seven (7) of the nine (9) leagues back, and we're still contacting people for the outings. <br />SJ Sabo, with offices at 1300 Block Mishawaka Avenue, questioned the distinct lack of numbers on users <br />or usage. It seems to Mr. Sabo that that's a pretty fundamental issue that should enter into this <br />calculation. He believes that we must establish priorities early on that reject the lease option, declare the <br />council's intent to protect and preserve this community's parklands, know what you're dealing with, <br />reject the (45) forty-five day deadline, and develop viable alternatives. <br />Karen Hawn, 50727 Shawn Court in South Bend, expressed that she believes Elbel could be a multi -use <br />facility, incorporating fat tire biking. Love Creek in Berrien Springs has a fat tire route now, where <br />people can rent bikes and use them throughout the year. Due to cycling's increasing popularity and golf's <br />decreasing popularity, she believes this plan would get a lot of support from the biking community. <br />Mathew Insley, 511 South St. Joseph Street in South Bend would like to hear more about the state of <br />Elbel as a golf course relating to its financial losses. He is curious about the management of the course <br />and what sort of administrative challenges the physical state of the course has faced. How well has it <br />been run? How well has it been kept up? <br />He would also like to know how long a full floristic quality assessment would take at Elbel, and would <br />that be the kind of thing that this body could consider. <br />Mr. Damrill stated that a full study would take one (1) growing season, or one (1) year. <br />Jennifer Betz, 511 S. St. Joseph Street, South Bend, IN 46601, expressed her gratitude for the robust <br />conversation. She wanted to note that when the Park's Master Plan happened, it was never put to the <br />public that twenty-five (25) percent of our park land would be sold, and it's importance is something you <br />can't rank. She also wanted to stress the importance of doing a floristic quality assessment. If this <br />becomes a multi -use property, in order to get funding you have to have data, and it was shown tonight <br />that there is a dearth of environmental information which would open up new funding for us. She <br />questioned who determines the water quality, and whether or not that had been studied in addition to the <br />7 <br />