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able to rent spaces for their canoes and we are going to have some programming to highlight that <br />facility soon. The Rum Village Aerial Adventure Course will open this summer and construction <br />is under way currently. The neighborhood is very excited about the improvements to the park <br />and we are expecting to see a lot more traffic to Rum Village this year. In a few weeks the <br />blueprint planning for extending the river trails or "Blue Ways" from Leaper Park to the <br />Farmer's Market. Next Friday the City will say goodbye to the Ice Skating at Howard Park due <br />to its aging equipment and we will unfortunately have a season where we no longer have an ice <br />ring but will have a brand new one soon. <br />Regarding Elbel, Mr. Perri reported the course is looking very good and this coming Friday they <br />are hosting a grand "Re- Opening" which we are marketing very hard. There will be food specials <br />and people can check out the totally renovated clubhouse which helped keep operations a little <br />more efficient. Also, hole #15 will be finally opened as Green #15 was damaged last year beyond <br />repair and it is finally back up to a quality standard. Someone who specializes in turf <br />management from the USGA came out and looked at the courses. A private donor helped make <br />that trip possible and they will look at both Elbel and Erskine. We are going to get some of the <br />best for the consulting and many people have already contacted the department asking to help. <br />The department has hired Orbis Environmental Consulting, who provided a lot of the work done <br />already for the Special Advisory Committee. They will be holding a kickoff meeting in about <br />two (2) weeks and how the public can help them, they will be looking for volunteers as well. <br />Chairperson Randy Kelly asked how sales are doing at the course. <br />Mr. Perri responded season pass sales are at an all -time high for the past five (5) years. Some <br />people were excited to get a deal before the rates were put back to the 2015 levels. There are a <br />few less leagues who did find other courses but we have more outings than we had scheduled last <br />year at this time. Even though last year was chilly and pretty cloudy it was packed and all the <br />carts were on the course. <br />Councilmember Gavin Ferlic joined the meeting at 5:22 p.m. <br />Councilmember Oliver Davis asked since the ice rink will be closed next season if there has been <br />any talk with either the Ice Box or Notre Dame to help offer rates for residents to use those rinks <br />during that season. <br />Mr. Perri stated that is a great idea to do some type of partnership with Notre Dame or the Ice <br />Box. They did have a meeting a few weeks ago with the hockey community and are already <br />looking into those partnerships. <br />Councilmember Oliver Davis questioned if the Elbel Committee can disband on their own <br />because they were created by the Council. <br />Chairperson Randy Kelly and Councilmember Jo M. Broden stated that it was written in the <br />resolution that it was a forty-five (45) day Committee. <br />