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Vice - Chairperson Randy Kelly stated one thing that did not make it into the presentation is that <br />the South Bend Bears Lacrosse Team have already adopted this into their uniforms and will <br />come and speak later tonight. <br />Mr. Perri stated that the flag really became a hybrid of what everyone seemed to want in the flag <br />from the responses. There were over one - thousand (1,000) people who provided some feedback <br />and one of the biggest comments was people wanted to see more of the river. <br />Councilmember Dr. David Varner stated he really hates the red star on the flag for a variety of <br />reasons, the simplest reason that it seems people were interested in it because it copies the <br />Chicago Flag. Having it represent the six (6) Council districts is kind of crazy because South <br />Bend has a lot more to offer than that for symbolism, which is not to diminish the efforts of <br />anyone who put time in on this project. It is too bad that some people have jumped ahead of the <br />official recognition of the flag. The river design makes sense and the bright yellow certainly <br />makes sense but the star just does not. <br />Councilmember Randy Kelly stated one of the things he likes about the star is that to him it <br />shows the City as one entity. Six (6) separate districts but one (1) city. <br />Councilmember Ferlic expressed he really appreciates the committee's work and of course we <br />could go through another process that may lead to more people liking that one but there will <br />probably always be a few people who don't like the design. It's difficult to always build <br />complete community consensus, not to disrespect anyone's opinions but this exhaustive project <br />created a symbol that has really come alive in the City. <br />Councilmember Oliver Davis stated he wishes there was an actual vote so that we could look at <br />the numbers. Everything the Council bases stuff on is based on numbers and having the vote <br />would be useful. Also, another concern is if this Council votes this down it will still be going on <br />in the community. Since it's already been embraced by the community our hands are tied. He <br />would have liked the Council having the final two (2) or three (3) brought forward. Now it will <br />look like the Council could be the bad guy. It seems like the Administration has already made <br />their decision and it's not good for us to be put into this position. <br />Councilmember Dr. David Varner asked if this is something that the Mayor could adopt by <br />executive order. <br />Council Attorney Kathleen Cekanski- Farrand responded the legislative record is non - existent for <br />the current flag. She also stated the resolution for the retirement ceremony has the incorrect new <br />flag so a substitute of that flag would need to be developed. <br />Mr. Perri added that last fall the Council did support a resolution that outlined this process that <br />the committee would bring a final flag to be adopted. <br />Councilmember Oliver Davis stressed he would have liked the process to be much quicker after <br />the committee decided on this flag so the community did not have all this time to think it was <br />already finalized. <br />in <br />