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William Maki, Controller at Federal Mogul, stated $8 million is for equipment for Chrysler <br />products as they are mostly GM currently. The company has invested a lot of money at the plant <br />for the past six (6) years, the automotive market is very competitive even though business is <br />good. The reason we are not adding jobs is we just need to increase sales just to retain jobs <br />nowadays, which is a challenge with Mexico and other foreign companies competing against us. <br />This is an investment in South Bend and the company enjoys being here. <br />Committeemember Paul Tipps asked if this is primarily tooling or new equipment. <br />Mr. Maki responded it is primarily new equipment such as casting cells in a complete new <br />machine. <br />Mr. Tipps also asked if Federal Mogul have met previous reporting requirements and job criteria <br />from previous tax abatements. <br />Ms. Heintzelman stated she cannot remember them ever being in non - compliance and nothing <br />sticks out to her. <br />Councilmember Dr. David Varner stated Federal Mogul came to us about twelve (12) years ago <br />and occupied the building of someone who had just left. The Council have provided abatements <br />and their serial growth has led to over five- hundred (500) jobs and it was nothing like that when <br />they first came it was maybe eighty (8 0) jobs or so. <br />No one from the public spoke either in favor of or opposition to the bill. <br />Committeemember William Smith made a motion to send Bill 16 -40 to the full Council with a <br />favorable recommendation. Councilmember Oliver Davis seconded the motion which carried by <br />a voice vote of four (4) ayes. <br />Bill No. 16 -41 — Designating a five year personal property tax abatement for Lebermuth Co. <br />Sarah Heintzelman, Community Investment with offices on the 14th Floor of the County -City <br />Building, served as the presenter for this bill. This is a personal property abatement for <br />Lebermuth, they are planning on investing $1,425,000 for new equipment. Total estimated taxes <br />abated will be $47,436. This project will create five (5) full time new jobs with an annual payroll <br />of $208,000 and will help to retain seventy (70) current jobs. <br />Allen Brown, CEO of Lebermuth Co., served as the petitioner for this bill. This new equipment <br />will let us develop our fragrances in a more technologically efficient manner to continue to be <br />competitive with other companies around the world. <br />Committee member Paul Tipps asked if Lebermuth has been in compliance with their previous <br />tax abatements. <br />Ms. Heintzelman responded yes as far as she knew <br />2 <br />