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Chairperson Oliver Davis asked if this means that they are closing the Pizzeria they operate near <br />this location. <br />Mr. Chappuies responded no and there are no plans at the moment to close. <br />Brian McMorrow, Abonmarche Consultants, Inc. 750 Lincoln Way East, South Bend, IN 46601, <br />served as the presenter for these bills. He stated the Cataldo's received a letter from the City <br />sometime last year suggesting that there would be a sewer extension across their property. It <br />prompted some further discussions about the endgame for this piece of property, they have no <br />immediate plans to move out of their house but it does allow them to do what is right for them <br />and the community. <br />Michael Divita, Community Investment with offices on the 14th Floor of the County -City <br />Building, presented the fiscal plan for the Cataldo Annexation. State laws require that with any <br />annexation the City provides a fiscal plan for how the City will provide services to the area being <br />annexed. By state law, any area that is being annexed requires any non - capital services be in <br />place within one (1) year such as police and fire protection. Any capital services being provided <br />according to the fiscal plan must be in place within three (3) years such as new road construction <br />or utility type work. The annexation area for the Cataldos is approximately 12.88 acres and <br />meets the state law continuity requirement. It contains a single family home on a wooded lot and <br />is proposed for redevelopment for commercial uses. There are no capital improvements planned <br />by the City for this annexation, sewer and water are available to the northeast along Prairie Ave. <br />The extension of the project site will be done at the petitioner's expense. A portion of State Road <br />23 will be annexed but will continue to be maintained by the Department of Transportation. The <br />area will be added to the Council's Sixth District, will be served by Police Beat twenty -five (25), <br />Fire Station Five (5) and Code Enforcement area Six (6). No additional equipment or personnel <br />will be acquired to serve the area. These and other non - capital services will be in place within <br />one (1) year of the date of the annexation with response times comparable to other areas in the <br />City. He asked for the Committees favorable motion on the fiscal plan as well as the annexation. <br />No one from the public spoke in favor or in opposition to either bills. <br />Councilmember Gavin Ferlic made a motion that Bills 16 -36 and 9 -16 be sent to the full Council <br />with a favorable recommendation. Councilmember John Voorded seconded the motion which <br />carried by a voice vote of four (4) ayes. <br />Committee, Chairperson Oliver Davis closed the meeting at <br />al <br />