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department was able to do for very little cost but we are interested in creating a full time one that <br />we actually own because it is a lease. The department is supportive of having multiple dog parks <br />in the City. <br />Councilmember Oliver Davis added that Rum Village is very interested in that park being one of <br />the dog park areas because it already has many viable areas within that park. <br />Councilmember Jo M. Broden asked where dog parks are at in the Master Plan in terms of <br />priority. <br />Mr. Perri responded that the plan calls for at least one (1) in the system and a priority that they <br />are added. <br />Councilmember Broden stated it appears that much of the duties and responsibilities of this <br />committee could happen within the Park Department. It sounds like we are looking at our current <br />pilot park and modeling off of that. She asked Mr. Perri how something new like this would <br />normally perculate upwards in the department. <br />Mr. Perri responded they have a special projects coordinator that works on things just like this. <br />He engages with the neighborhood associations and begins to get input on some of these new <br />ideas and then works on the large issue of money for programs and then reports to the Parks <br />Board. That is the position that essentially ran the entire Parks Master Plan process. <br />Councilmember Gavin Ferlic thanked Councilmember Davis for bringing this forward and for <br />thinking of doing it in multiple spots, he stated the Rum Village area is very appealing because <br />the fence is really the most expensive part of the project. Also, something like Rum Village that <br />has so much land mitigates the effect that dogs have on hurting the grass in smaller parks. He <br />recommended the potential committee look into adding two (2) at a time because they are so <br />expensive but it is really a great idea. <br />Councilmember Oliver Davis stated some cities did a combination of donations and then normal <br />tax dollars. We could also have them be sponsored by various veterinarians or pet supply shops. <br />Councilmember John Voorde asked if anyone knows about the success of the Mishawaka Dog <br />Park. <br />Councilmember Gavin Ferlic responded it has been hugely successful and people love it. They <br />are really great places not only for dogs but also humans to come together and meet people in a <br />positive atmosphere. <br />Councilmember Jo M. Broden asked about support and staffing of the committee and where do <br />those responsibilities fall. <br />Councilmember Oliver Davis responded he met with Kareemah and there is a section in the bill <br />giving them that responsibility. This bill could have come forward either in the PARC <br />11 <br />