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Personnel and Finance Committee Meeting <br />July 29, 2009 <br />Page 2 <br />officers with seven (7) current openings for a total reduction of 26 officers. Nine (9) civilian <br />personnel would also be restored. <br />Mayor Luecke noted that with the federal stimulus monies where were just announced <br />yesterday, thirteen (13) positions would be funded by this grant. <br />Mr. Pinckert stated that the Police Cadet program started three (3) years ago; one is in the <br />budget and they proposed to add back in two (2) more positions. <br />Mr. Pincket stated that police overtime costs for the department over the past two (2) years <br />have been reduced by $320,000, with this year's projected reduction being $200,000. He <br />commended Chief Boykins and his staff for increased departmental efficiencies which <br />resulted in those cost savings. In 2007, $2 million was spent on overtime; $1.6 is <br />projected to be spent in 2009. <br />Mr. Pinckert noted that gasoline is being budgeted at $3.00 per gallon. He noted that <br />several programs which are critical to the community would like to have the following <br />programs funded with the amounts listed requested to be restored: <br />• $40,000 Police Athletic League (Former Summer Youth Program) <br />• $60,000 Downtown/East Race Patrols <br />• $30,000 VIPS/CVO <br />• $40,000 Special Events <br />He noted that they are seeking tax exempt status for the Police Athletic League; that the <br />Downtown/East Race Patrols were formerly funded from capital dollars; that VIPS/CVO <br />represent 70-80 volunteers whose costs are now being paid from the Police Department <br />budget; and that the Special Events category would include some of the costs for <br />Presidential visits, Sun Burst Marathon which does reimburse the city so that the cost is a <br />wash. <br />Council President Dieter noted that the Council is looking into special events so that at <br />least a portion of the costs incurred is restored to the department. He has suggested that <br />Riverside Trail be used for charity walks to help contain costs and provide better cost <br />management and containment. <br />Mayor Luecke stated that the various walks should have some fees to cover some of the <br />city's expenses but he does not expect them to cover all expenses incurred. He also sees <br />Rum Village Park as another venue for charitable walks. <br />Mr. Pinckert noted that the Public Safety Officers (PSO) who are at the Front Desk at <br />SBPD have been transferred to the Communications Budget, and that the amount is <br />$300,000 being transferred with no actual increase in operations overall. <br />