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REGULAR MEETING JULY 27, 2009 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />attorney’s office or engineering firm which sometimes could be injurious to the <br />neighborhood when they move out and transition back into the right use. He stated that <br />he doesn’t believe that it follows the City Plan the comprehensive plan that the City <br />passed a few years ago. He stated that he appreciates what Mr. Carruthers is trying to do; <br />he stated that the Council does support the mission. He reflected back on turning down <br />the Catholic Worker House in this very same area. He stated that Mr. Carruthers is going <br />to have to be very careful when selecting a site to put in this half-way house. He stated <br />that the Council if the last thin line of defense and are always going to be very careful <br />what they do to a neighborhood whether they allow encroachment of commercialization <br />on a corner or a special exception change to a mixed use property. He stated that what is <br />happening here tonight and he will be voting against this bill. <br /> <br />Councilmember Varner stated that he appreciates the passion and the energy that Mr. <br />Carruthers has put into this project. He stated that Mr. Carruthers asked the Council to <br />look into the needs of the community. He stated that one of the needs is to have people <br />be secure and secured and encouraged to reinvest in neighborhoods and know that <br />coming down the road two or three years after they have made their investment that there <br />won’t be some modified commercial venture. However well this project intended is it is <br />still a commercial venture. There will be less and less of those ventures made if they feel <br />like the door is open in all neighborhoods for whatever reason to allow this. Like the <br />project that Mr. Baxter had with the Catholic Worker House, they work together to find <br />another location where the neighborhood is welcome to the project and find an area <br />where there is not that much of a neighborhood and the Council will help with that. He <br />stated that the Council wants to help reach the goal, but they also want to reach their with <br />regard to neighbors and neighborhoods within the City. He stated that while this may <br />seem discouraging find it encouraging finding help elsewhere. He stated that he will not <br />be support this bill tonight. He stated that he has seen too many of these kinds of project <br />the past few years and thinks that if the Council is not consistent they will accidentally <br />open the door to many more and it defeats the whole purpose of being the last line of <br />defense. <br /> <br />Councilmember Kirsits made a motion to defeat this bill. Councilmember Varner <br />seconded the motion which carried by a roll call vote of nine (9) ayes. <br /> <br /> <br />RESOLUTION NO. 3983-09 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL <br /> OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA <br /> APPROVING A PETITION OF THE SOUTH <br /> BEND BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS FOR <br /> THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 3423 SOUTH <br /> MICHIGAN STREET WITH CONTIGUOUS <br /> VACANT LAND <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, Indiana Code Section 36-7-4-918.6, requires the Common Council <br />to give notice pursuant to Indiana Code Section 5-14-1.5-5, of its intention to consider <br />Petitions from the Board of Zoning Appeals for approval or disapproval; and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, the Common Council must take action within sixty (60) days after <br />the Board of Zoning Appeals makes its recommendation to the Council pursuant to I.C. <br />36-7-4-918.6; and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, the Common Council is required to make a determination in writing <br />on such requests pursuant to Indiana Code Section 36-7-4-918.4, and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, the South Bend Board of Zoning Appeals has made a <br />recommendation, pursuant to applicable state law. <br /> <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF <br />THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA as follows: <br /> 17 <br /> <br />