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~., <br />,, . <br />....... <br />' ~ :HEALTH AND PUBLIC SAFETY <br />The July 27, 2009 meeting of the Health and Public Safety Committee of the South Bend <br />Common Council was called to order by its Chairperson Council Member Karen L. White at 4:03 <br />p.m. in the Informal Meeting Room, 4th Floor County-City Building, 227 W. Jefferson Blvd., South <br />Bend, Indiana <br />Persons in attendance included: <br />Committee Members: Ann Puzzello, Vice-Chairperson; Henry Davis; Tim Rouse; <br />Marcus Ellison <br />Other Council Members Present: Derek D. Dieter; Tom LaFountain; David Varner; <br />Oliver Davis; AI "Buddy" Kirsits <br />Others Present: Mayor Steve Luecke; Kathy Cekanski-Farrand; Gary Gilot; Rita Kopala; <br />Martha Lewis; Jeff Parrott <br />Agenda: Bill N0.48-09 -Banning Use of Cell Phone in School Zones <br />Chairperson White began the hearing saying the bill was co-sponsored by Councilmember's <br />Puzzello; LaFountain and herself. She said the bill grew out of discussions with school crossing <br />guards last fall. Councilmember Puzzello noted both Jim Kapsa, the SBCSC School <br />Superintendent of Public Schools, and South Bend Police Chief Darryl Boykins supported the bill. <br />Chairperson White said safety for school children was paramount. Both Councilmember's <br />Puzzello and White acknowledged there were enforcement concerns such as Who? Where? <br />When? How? Councilmember LaFountain also shared enforcement concerns; but said other <br />cities around the country were doing the same. Council Attorney Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand <br />explained the legal basis for the bill and the schedule of fines and penalties. Councilmember <br />Dieter wondered how school zones were to be designated? By Whom? And would they be <br />adequately marked? Gilot said twenty zones would be designated by Board of Public Works and <br />would be adequately marked at a cost of $142.00 per sign installed. Council President Dieter <br />suggested consultation with the school board and the South Bend Police Department. <br />Councilmember Davis asked whether private schools were to be included. The Mayor asked <br />whether the Council would consider acity-wide ban. He also asked that the first dollars in fines <br />be set aside for the costs of the program. Councilmember Henry Davis stated he agreed with the <br />Mayor on acity-wide ban. Further, both he and Councilmember Rouse felt while child safety <br />came first there were many questions that needed to be answered. Councilmember Henry Davis <br />then made a motion to recommend tabling the bill which Councilmember Rouse seconded. The <br />subsequent committee vote resulted in a tie that was broken by President Dieter resulting in a <br />failed action. Councilmember Puzzello said the bill was a good one and at the very least took <br />good 15t steps. Councilmember Rouse said acity-wide bill would be more enforceable. <br />Councilmember Puzzello motioned the bill be sent with no recommendation. It was seconded by <br />Councilmember Henry Davis. All supported. <br />