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Bill No. 09-53 -Special Exception - 220 S. Tavlor <br />Having been recognized by Chairperson Kirsits, Mark Lyons of the Building Department reported <br />the BZA's favorable recommendation. Arthur Carruthers, the petitioner, was then allowed to <br />explain the request to allow a group home in a MU mixed district. This special exception would <br />allow Carruther's to open a residence for recovering drug and alcohol abusers. He said residents <br />will be screened and monitored by a 24/7 staff. He felt this would not adversely affect the <br />neighborhood either in subjective or objective i.e.) property values terms. He emphasized the <br />spiritual nature of the endeavor that would fill an obvious need in the community. The Council <br />followed with many questions regarding safety, professionalism, choice of location and tax status. <br />Turning to the public, Kirsits noted while there was no one to speak in favor several were to <br />express oppositions. John Thurin, long-time neighbor to the property said while not questioning <br />the ideals of the program, both the tranquility and value of the neighborhood stood to be <br />compromised. Mary Roy, a neighbor said many children played in the neighborhood. Maureen <br />Bolton said the Near West Side Neighborhood has worked to make the area SF-1 (single family) <br />and would like that respected. Marilyn Watson spoke to the many children who play in the <br />neighborhood while her husband spoke to the dollars invested in the properties there. Marjorie <br />Kinzie while recognizing the need for the service said the area was already saturated having 3 <br />other treatment centers nearby. Charlotte Pfeifer former 2nd District Council representing the area <br />recounted all the work that went into bringing the neighborhood back. She also indicated the <br />importance of professional full-time staff and programs in such a facility. In rebuttal, Carruthers <br />reiterated his earlier selling points. Speaking in the Council portion, Councilmember Oliver <br />Davis said Carruthers should have met with the neighbors and worked with the Council prior to <br />seeking the exception. Councilmember Henry Davis railed against duplicitous arguments against <br />saving these folks should not be treated like lepers. Councilmember Kirsits said there were four <br />criteria this project should be measured against. 1. The project would not be injurious to the <br />neighborhood in terms of safety, comfort, and general welfare. 2. The proposed use would not <br />compromise property values. 3. The use would be consistent in character with the <br />neighborhood. 4. The use should reflect compatibility with "City Plan." Councilmember Varner <br />spoke to the fragility of rebuilding neighborhoods suggesting they could tip the scales against <br />recovery rather easily. Councilmember Varner motioned for the defeat of the bill. <br />Councilmember Oliver Davis offered a second. All agreed to forward the bill unfavorably. <br />Bill No. 09-54 -Special Exception 3423 S. Michigan <br />This petition is necessary to permit apre-school as an adjunct use to a public school. <br />Mark Lyons, Assistant Building Commissioner, upon Chairperson Kirsit's request reported the <br />unanimous favorable recommendation of the Board of Zoning Appeals. Wendy Walker-Dyes, <br />from Baker & Daniels, briefly made a presentation. There was no one present wishing to speak <br />either in favor or against. Councilmember Varner motioned the bill be sent favorably, <br />Councilmember Oliver Davis followed with a second. All approved. <br />There being no further business to come before the Committee at this time, Chairperson Kirsits <br />adjourned the meeting at 5:27 p.m. <br />Respectfully Submitte , <br />AI "Buddy" Kirsits, hairperson <br />Zoning and Annexation Committee <br />