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UPDATE -DTSB) DOWNTOWN SOUTH BEND -MARCO MARIANI <br />At the request of Chairperson Rouse, the Director of DTSB, Marco Mariani, proceeded to <br />bring the Council up to date on the activities of DTSB. He began by distributing an <br />information packet (attached) which he used to illustrate his presentation, Marco then <br />introduced those in attendance from DTSB's staff. Then referring the Committee to page <br />3 of the DTSB Annual Report he recounted DTSB's recent growth and accomplishments. <br />Notably, was achieving a stronger financial base and "clean" audits for two years. So <br />that DTSB could provide better focus for development he noted the creation of 4 unique <br />sub-districts within DTSB's coverage. Each sub-district was briefly outlined with goals <br />and progress reports stated for each. In response to Council President Dieter's question <br />about finances the Director said contributions from Memorial Hospital were down <br />significantly through that loss was tempered by adding "partners." He then refereed to <br />the expense report on page 7, regarding the goals for 2009. Councilmember Henry Davis <br />asked the Council be included for input as well as neighborhoods bordering downtown. <br />Mariani welcomed the suggestions. Karen White recounted concerns of the Robertson's <br />residents expressed at a quality of life meeting she held on site. Parking loud noise, <br />adequate accessibility were among their concerns. Councilmember Puzzello asked if and <br />how progress was measured. Marco admitted white most of their feed back was <br />anecdotal, solid improvements were evident as stated in the handout. Councilmember <br />Oliver Davis stressed the need for continuing communication. Finally, in closing <br />Chairperson Rouse praised the leadership and tangible improvement in both the image <br />and accomplishments of DTSB. <br />There being no further business to come before the committee, Chairperson Rouse <br />adjourned the meeting at 3:48 p.m. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />l~ <br />1~~~ <br />Timothy A. e, Chairperson <br />Community and Economic Development Committee <br />