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.~ ~. . <br />._ .,~ <br />~ ~ usssss <br />... HEALTH AND PUBLIC SAFETY &PARC COMMITTEES <br />,,~., _ ~- <br />kk <¢, .«; - <br />L~ y{ `~'~~ <br />Y~ , <br />The June 22, 2009 joint meeting of the Health and Public Safety Committee and <br />the PARC Committee of the South Bend Common Council was called to order by <br />their Chairperson's Karen White, HPS and Ann Puzzello, PARC at 4:28 p.m. <br />Persons in attendance included Council Members Henry Davis; Kirsits; Dieter; <br />LaFountain; Varner; Citizen Member Martha Lewis; Mayor Luecke; Phil St. Clair; <br />Rita Kopala; George Lane; Gary Libby <br />Agenda: Discussion of Maintenance of Vacant Lots <br />This joint hearing was called to discuss the maintenance of vacant lots in the city. <br />More specifically the hearing was called to address Councilmember Henry Davis' <br />specific concerns about tall grass and litter on vacant lots in his district. He <br />wanted to know if the city had the resources to address the problem. He also <br />asked which department was responsible for the work. Chairperson White asked <br />representatives from Code Enforcement and the Parks Department to walk <br />through the process. In response, Gary Libby from Code said the wet spring had <br />made a manageable problem more difficult to attack the weed and grass <br />problems. Typically Code keeps a list of vacant lots both city and privately <br />owned. When city-owned the work is pretty straight forward in terms of logistics <br />and dedication of resources. The Park Department mowers under the direction <br />of John Martinez are responsible for the actual mowing. He said usually the <br />mowing is quadrant based and cyclical crews do, however, respond to Code and <br />Council requests in as timely a fashion as possible. He said communication, <br />equipment reliability, manpower, and weather were key factors in developing an <br />overall strategy while keeping a flexibility to respond when and where specific <br />problems arise. Libby then described the more cumbersome, protracted process <br />involved when overgrown lots were privately owned. In this case notice of the <br />offense needs to be given ad time allowed for compliance. Once the hurdles are <br />cleared, the lots are mowed and the owner is billed. Typically the minimum <br />charge is $105.00 per mowing. In response to Henry Davis' litany of complaints <br />from constituents, the administration asked for understanding and patience. <br />