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SPECIAL MEETING DECEMBER 11, 2008 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />reference to their jobs. He stated that because of the growth of the City of South Bend <br />and its residents, it is very important to have a functional fire department. Mr. Marks <br />noted that a city just 300 miles from here had one of their emergency vehicles break <br />down on the way to a call. He stated that he doesn’t want to see that happen here in <br />South Bend. He stated that these bills are a necessary evil. He stated that anytime <br />anyone introduces a new tax it is a very difficult decision. Mr. Marks stated that he lives <br />in South Bend and cares very deeply about the City. He is also concerned for his fellow <br />stth <br />co-workers safety. He stated that a 21 Century City needs to function not with 19 <br />Century equipment. He understands that this new tax will upset folks and make them <br />angry for having to pay another tax. Mr. Marks stated that when he first heard of this <br />new tax he looked at what the City is trying to accomplish. He stated that it is services. <br />Every man, woman, child in this City rely on public safety officers being able to do their <br />jobs. He stated that these are tough times and commend the Council for making the <br />difficult decisions. He urged the Council to vote in favor of these bills. <br /> <br />Mayor Luecke read into the record a letter from Scott Ruszkowski, President, FOP #36. <br />The letter reads: It is imperative to keep the staffing level of officers at its currently <br />capacity. He asked that training and equipment at currently capacity. With obvious <br />economic changes in the Country, State and City, crime escalation is inevitable. The <br />need to keep officers is more than apparent and losing just one officer to cut backs is not <br />only a disservice to the citizens but to the fellow officers representing the City of South <br />Bend. He urged the Council to vote favorably and to keep public safety a top priority. <br /> <br />Mayor Luecke advised that both Ken and Scott’s remarks point to the importance of <br />public safety in this Community, it has always been top priority for this Council and this <br />Administration and show it in the budget where 75% of the general fund budget is <br />dedicated to public safety. If there are not replacement revenues for the dollars lost to the <br />property tax caps, there will need to be cuts in public safety. That is not a scare tactics, <br />it’s just being honest to the Council and the public in terms of what is forthcoming. The <br />State provided a tool to support the public safety in a means of a .25% public safety local <br />option income tax and ask that be enacted tonight. He reminded the Council that these <br />are not new additional dollars; they are replacement dollars to replace dollars that are <br />being lost to the property tax caps. He stated that the State also said that in order to enact <br />a public safety local option income tax, they need to enact a property tax relief income <br />tax as well in the amount equal to at least to the public safety tax. So in order to enact the <br />.25% public safety tax they would have to enact at least a .25% property relief tax as <br />well. He stated that he proposes that in the substitute resolution is to enact that property <br />replacement tax credit at .05% rather than the .25% level to sustain parks, other services <br />of local government as they move forward. Enacted this tax won’t replace all of the <br />dollars that they will be losing to the property tax caps, but it does allow the City to <br />sustain the critical services that they provide for the community and to still hold before us <br />that challenge to streamline government. Mayor Luecke stated that the questioned was <br />raised about the general property tax relief credit as opposed to a homestead credit or <br />residential credit. He stated that the relief to the City of South Bend in terms of revenue <br />is greatest by applying the general property tax relief credit. Mayor Luecke stated that it <br />is his belief that homestead owners are receiving significant additional relief through the <br />supplemental standard deduction that is part of the HEA 1001 as well. The home owners <br />in the City of South Bend are receiving significant relief through that supplemental <br />standard deduction in addition to the property tax caps and in additional to the homestead <br />credits that they already provide through the county option income tax. He stated that the <br />question is why now to ask for these taxes? He stated that as we all know the local taxes <br />both property taxes and local income taxes pay for important services such as schools, <br />libraries, police, fire, judicial system, as well as economic development efforts. Mayor <br />Luecke stated that he is proud of the level of services that they have been able to provide <br />in South Bend, but have become to reliant on property taxes and need to spread the cost <br />of these vital government services over several revenue streams. The legislature has <br />refused to give County’s the authority to level local sales taxes, local food and beverage <br />taxes, local auto rental taxes, additional local lodging taxes, or other tools which could <br />effectively spread the cost of service among many revenue streams, preferring instead to <br />enact the circuit breaker through property tax caps. In other states, circuit breaker relief <br />is means tested, that is the beneficiaries of those circuit breakers need to be below a <br /> 6 <br /> <br />